Thank you so much for joining me for another video blog post! In this video I share the best practices for reading aloud to kids of all age levels. I do apologize that my voice doesn’t match the audio exactly. Just listen if that bothers you. 😉
Links I mention in the video:
- Mega list of rhyming books
- What Do We Do All Day’s list of chapter books to read aloud to preschoolers
- My post about interactive read alouds
I loved your points, thank you for sharing them! It made me think of the book by Daniel Pennac, The Rights of the Reader. I know you have a busy life, but if you get the chance I think you will find you and he agree on many things.
My favorite time of day was read-aloud time, too, as a student, and now as a parent. My 1st grader is finally getting into listening to longer stories now that we have discovered The Littles. My 3rd grader is in love with the Redwall Series by Brian Jacques. My dad read long books to us when I was a child and it really does make a difference in how you see the role of reading and stories later. Thanks again!
Anna G
Thank you for the recommendations, Irene! 🙂
Melanie Lucas
I would love a copy of your book! Thank you so much!
I do so appreciate all that you do for all of the children.
And your 10 Tips are most helpful – esp. for early readers
Ps. The mega list for rhyming book are not working by the way. Please check it out.
I do so appreciate all that you do for all of the children.
And your 10 Tips are most helpful – esp. for early readers
I am a Reading Interventionist and I listen to many readers struggle when reading aloud. I would absolutely love a copy of your book!
Cindy Harmon
Yes I would love a copy of your book. I teach Kindergarten and love anything that would help encourage reading at any age. I know how important it is to start reading to our children when they are babies. Thank you so much.
Bernadine Philpott
Yes please
Awesome tips Anna, thank you! I have 5 kids and I still read aloud to them. My kids ages range from 6-17 and it’s a great way for family to come together. I”m now heading into early childhood teaching and will do anything to foster a love of reading & books. I feel that a love of reading should start at home, way before a child enters school and that in the same time it takes a parent to hand a child an iPad , they could easily read a page or two of a book to them instead.
Anna G
So true, Liz! I love my technology, but not at the expense of reading real, physical books to our kids.
Thank you for sharing tipssss!!
1 question, is that too late to start read aloud to my 8 years old son?
Anna G
No, it’s never too late! He might like these books:
Christine Bottorff
Great tips! I found that I have done a lot of these already. I will tell you, my favorite time to read aloud is when we are in the car. Phones, kindles, radio all are shut off, and the kids are held “hostage” while my husband drives and I read. We have taken that miraculous journey with Edward Tulane, Visited Mr. Lemoncello’s library (twice!) and Charlie’s Chocolate factory. the kids love having that time, and it is nice to hear the giggles in the backseat when something funny happens in the book. Thank you for sharing. I am sure I will use these in my library classes in the future.
Anna G
Yes, that’s a really good idea! Currently our kids have so many different ages/interests that this hasn’t worked for us, but I will try it as soon as we can.
I would love a copy of your book!! Thank you!!!!!!
I love your tip to read aloud to your high schooler. My daughter had a short term vision issue and needed to read Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. I read it to her and it was an awesome experience.
Anna G
That’s awesome, Barb! I’ll have to file that title away for the future. 🙂
Angela Lewis
I would like a copy of your book.
Mema Jeanne
I am a retired public school teacher of 31 years. I read aloud to my 4th and 6th graders. Then when UI taught 8th and 9th grade Language Arts, I read to them a little in each period. They loved it.
I am now busy trying to keep my 3 grandchildren busy when we have days together during the summer, and I was thinking of reading aloud to them…. I am excited.
I do so appreciate all that you do for all of the children.
Mema Jeanne
PS– your 10 Tips are most helpful – esp. for early readers
Anna G
Your grandkids will love you reading aloud to them! And it makes me SO happy to hear that you read to your middle grade and junior high students. They will remember it forever!
Jill Watling
Please. would greatly appreciate a copy.
I am a second grade teacher and I totally agree with everything you said. It’s so important to make reading aloud a daily part of your day. You’re really providing your readers some great tips! Thank you for providing these great tips.
Anna G
Thanks so much for reading, Juanita!
maricris b
thanks for sharing these tips specially for first time moms like me struggling how to keep my little boy sit still for us to read…now, you gave me better guide to continue reading aloud for him☺️
Anna G
I’m so glad this was helpful for you!
Marnie Ginsberg
Thanks for the great book list and tips! I SO agree about the importance of teachers continuing to read aloud to older students. Our 10 year old is only getting that occasionally and it’s so sad…for her and her peers!
I’m hearing about it more and more in the U.S.? Perhaps testing pressure?
Anna G
I’m sure that has a lot to do with it. I sympathize with teachers – their days are SO full, and they keep getting fuller. Unfortunately, teachers are often taxed with doing the sort of educating that should be happening (but often isn’t) at home.