Looking for some fun math games for preschool and kindergarten? Try one of these seasonal roll and cover games!
Seasonal roll & cover games
You just need a picture with numbers on it, a die, and something to cover the numbers with. You can use Bingo Daubers, Do a Dot Markers, coins, or any small marker that won’t roll away.
This game works well as an independent activity. Your child can roll the die and find a matching number to cover. When he’s covered all the numbers, the game is over. You can also print two copies and play together. Whoever covers all his numbers first, wins!
I’ve created ten different printables for the seasons and popular American holidays. In the download you’ll find ten printables using one die and the same printables redesigned for using two dice. When your child uses two dice, he simply adds them together. Below is a sample of each printable in the downloads.

Get your free Seasonal Roll & Cover Games!

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Alejandra Villarreal
Thank you so much for this great activity!
Heather Groth, Customer Support
You’re welcome, Alejandra!
Hello again! Do you have any worksheets for math above 20? Thanks! Love these by-the-way…
Kate Dowling
Hi Arlene!
this is Kate, Anna’s assistant. Here are some activities that use a hundred chart:
All the best in your teaching!
I just found this and am so excited to use it. I have a preschool grandson and also volunteer at a senior day facility and some of the clients have varying stages of dementia. This will work for both young and ‘not so young’. Thank you!
Anna G
You’re welcome, Carol!
Is it just my device,I have downloaded from here before, but am having trouble now!
Anna Geiger
If you click on the image that says “having trouble downloading or printing?” you will probably find a solution. 🙂
Hi There,
These are great! I am having trouble uploading the single dice printouts. Could you email them to me? Thank you so much!!
Anna Geiger
This post should help with a solution! https://www.themeasuredmom.com/how-to-download-free-files/
Thank you! I uploaded Google Chrome and then I had no problem. 🙂
I can’t wait to introduce these fun games tomorrow at school.
Abbey in KS
Thank you so much! These are a great resource for math small groups and so cute. 🙂
Anna Geiger
I’m so glad you can use them, Abbey!
Hia Anna I’m looking for free number book printable,for pre-k and k,I look in Pinterest but I cant’ found in you page ? Can you help me please.
Thank you ! + I love you page you have a fantastic stuff
Anna Geiger
Hi Dulce! I think this is what you’re looking for :https://www.themeasuredmom.com/free-numbers-book-kids-ages-2-5/ Hope this helps!
Hey Anna –
Not sure if you are aware, but the Christmas two dice roll and cover game doesn’t have any sums for numbers. It is the same as the one dice roll and cover game.
My kids are really enjoying these. Thanks!
Anna Geiger
Thanks, Rachel! Fixed it.
Hello Anna !
Thanks a lot for sharing ! Your works are always great ! I love them !
Kisses from France !
Anna Geiger
Thank you so much, Marie! 🙂
Anna these are superb! We are using the pumpkin one this morning. Thank you for creating these lovelies. Sure came in handy for some last minute lesson planning.
Anna Geiger
So glad to hear it, Becki!
geez anna, these are great! we havent used these in sometime! thanks for the reminder. I like to get the MOST out of every material we have (or purchase); and we use these in our Plastic Page Covers for covering with PlayDough Dots! ;D I hope to have time to share many of our photos using your resources on my blog. soon as kids settle into school routine! until then, thanks again.
Anna Geiger
Way to be resourceful, Jeanine – too bad printer ink doesn’t grow on trees! Looking forward to seeing your photos! 🙂
Natalie PlanetSmartyPants
How fun! Pinned and scheduling to share on my FB page!
Anna Geiger
Thanks so much, Natalie!
Thank you for sharing this! Looks easy and fun!
Anna Geiger
You’re welcome, Nadya! Your number activity pages look great!!
Oh, thank you! I will be glad, if you use mine for your kids too!
Deceptively Educational
These are awesome!! Thanks, Anna!
Anna Geiger
You’re welcome, :)!