5 Letter X Crafts
Handprint X-Ray Fish
These x-ray fish are my favorite. After letting our black handprints dry overnight, the kids added fish bones and a googly eye. For this and many more handprint alphabet crafts, visit Red Ted Art.
Q-Tip X-Ray
This is a popular children’s craft which would look a little better with plain white Q-tips. But since they’ve started telling us not to put Q-tips into our kids’ ears, I wasn’t going to go out and buy a box. The blue ones in our craft drawer worked just fine. This idea is from Inspired Montessori.
X is for Xylophone (foam craft)
Here’s a fun way to use craft foam, but construction paper works fine too. I saw a similar idea at Rockabye Butterfly.
I saw this idea over at No Time for Flashcards. My Three did this one – but if you provide more guidance it’s a great craft for toddlers. Check this link to see how.
X is for Xylophone (paper craft)
A cute idea we saw on Pinterest – my Three liked assembling the xylophone. We used round office stickers for the mallets. The idea is from The Princess and the Tot.

Alphabet Curriculum for Preschool
Our curriculum includes lessons for teaching both upper and lowercase letter names and sounds. You’ll get three lessons per letter, built-in review, simple handwriting practice, rhyming, syllable counting, phonemic awareness, and a whole lot more!
Oh, what fun crafts!! Thank you for sharing on Sharing Saturday!!
That x-ray fish is adorable! I really like the q-tip bones too! Thanks for linking this up at Teach Me Tuesday at Preschool Powol Packets!
Thanks so much for the visit!
Kristen B
X is my toddler’s favorite letter. He loves pointing it out everywhere he sees it. These would be fun for him to do. Pinned to our Artsy Play Wednesday group board.
That’s fun that he can point to X wherever he goes 🙂 it’s neat to see what our kids latch onto.