Looking for an activity to help your child master letter sounds? Try this one!

Today I’m sharing another set of clip cards – this time, your child looks at the featured picture and clips the letter that begins its name.

This 52-card set comes with two cards for each letter. The green set is the simpler set. That’s because the letter sound choices are quite different from each other. Check out the sample above. The /p/ sound is made with the lips, the /m/ sound is made by keeping the lips together, and the /k/ sound is made at the back of the throat.

This card is part of the more challenging set. Whenever possible, I included two letters whose sounds are made in the same part of the mouth. In this case, /k/ and /g/ are both made in the back of the throat.

I used these clip cards with my Three, who is learning the alphabet and letter sounds through daily hands-on activities. While my older children would have had zero trouble with this at 3 1/2, my little guy is still working to identify the beginning sound of a word. Because of that, I gave him a lot of support for each card.
Before we started, we divided the cards into red and green and did just the simpler set. I also kept the vowels out, as he doesn’t know their sounds yet.

Did you know?
Thousands of teachers, parents, and tutors love their monthly membership in The Measured Mom Plus. Join today, and get instant access to thousands of printable resources for Pre-K to third grade!Note: Whenever you see a letter in brackets (such as /k/), I am saying the letter’s sound and not its name.
“What’s this picture?”
“A penguin!”
“That’s right. Let’s look at the sounds. What does a “c” represent?”
“I don’t know.” (Often he remembered, but for the sake of this example we’ll pretend he didn’t.)
“/k/! Does penguin start with /k/?”
“/k/, /k/, penguin. No!”
“That’s right. How about the letter g? Let’s try it. /g/, /g/, genguin. Does that sound right?”
“(laughing) No!”
“What sound does p represent?”
“/p/. /p/, /p/, penguin. Yeah!”
He didn’t always have the correct answers, but by doing this activity together he’s learning how to hear the phonemes (individual sounds) in words. Such an important pre-reading skill!
We hope you can use these!
Looking for more beginning sound clip cards?

Looking for an easy-to-read guide to help you reach all readers? If you teach kindergarten through third grade, this is the book for you. Get practical ideas and lesson plan templates that you can implement tomorrow!

Get your free letter sound clip cards!

Letter Sound Games & Activities
You and your learners will absolutely love this GIANT set of 30 activities for beginning, middle, and final sounds!
Maria Monroy
Hi my name is Maria and I’m trying to download some flash cards but they’re not able to download so I don’t know how you want me to try to print them out
Thanks you
Maria Monroy
Kate Dowling
Hi Maria!
This is Kate, Anna’s assistant. Here are some tips for downloading files: https://www.themeasuredmom.com/how-to-download-free-files/
Please try all these steps until you have success. 🙂
Afnie Atma
Your website is so amazing. Thank you for letting us get it for free. Cannot wait to show them and learn them together with my own daughter and students.
Thank you so much.
Adilakshmi Chundi
Your website is awesome,thank y ou so much,l am the beginer to learn
Many thanks for your ideas.
I used your begin words clip cards.
it was very useful and great way to keep her occupied during travelling.
Anna G
I’m so glad these worked for you, Anne!
Thank you!
Do you have the intention to make ending sounds clip cards?
Anna G
Not currently, but maybe down the line. Here’s one from another blogger: https://www.lizs-early-learning-spot.com/ending-sounds-transportation-clip-cards/
thank you~~
Anna Geiger
You’re very welcome, Lily!
Lorie Raschke
A group of ladies at my church wanted to offer free summer tutoring. I have been scouring the internet for free resources that would be fun for our kiddos. I was so excited when I came across your site! What a blessing these games will be to our struggling learners and what a blessing your resources are to me, as I’m trying to collect resources for a non funded outreach. Thank you for your generosity.
Anna Geiger
Hi, Lorie! Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I’m thrilled you found my site and hope you find many things to help your summer learners! Feel free to send me an email if you’re wondering if I have a particular resource. It’s anna@themeasuredmom.com.
Thank you very much.
Thanks for these free materials,, it’s so helpful…
Anna Geiger
You’re very welcome!
hi anna..thanks for the free printables..i love all of them and they are so useful for my teaching and playing with my kids. For the 52 beginning sound clip card, sorry i have no idea for the picture of J and G. i only know Jellyfish and octopus what is the other. Thank you
Anna Geiger
One of the j pictures is jellybeans. The g pictures are glove and gumballs. Does that help?
Anna, I have been using your materials in my Kindergarten class for the past 2 years. I absolutely love all of your products and they have helped me kiddos in so many ways. Thank you for offering so many of your ideas for free!
Anna Geiger
Yay – so glad to hear that, Lisa! Thank you for being a long time reader! 🙂
All of your stuff is amazing and what is even more amazing is the fact that it is FREE! My students have loved everything so far 🙂
Thank you for all of your hard work!
Anna Geiger
I’m so glad to hear your students enjoy what you’re finding here, Kristen! Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! 🙂
lynn wang
Anna Geiger
You’re very welcome, Lynn!
I have been trying to download these, they are amazing, but the download stops and then locks up my pc, I have tried on a couple of different computers, it seems to be a problem on your end either adobe or something else. I was hoping you could look at it or maybe send them to me through my email. You are very talented and I really enjoy using your activities with my intervention groups Thank you.
Anna Geiger
I’m sorry you’re having trouble, Karen – how frustrating! I’m sorry, but it against my Terms of Use to e-mail files. The file pops right up for me. Have you checked my troubleshooting tips post? When people switch browsers (Chrome works best) or right click on the word HERE and save to their computer and THEN open, it usually works. There are other suggestions in the troubleshooting post: https://www.themeasuredmom.com/how-to-download-free-files/
I got it, I understand the issue now and the file worked. Thank you so much. I appreciate your hard work and my students love the activities. Wow your reply was so fast. Amazing.
Anna Geiger
So glad you got it to work, Karen!