I’ve just started doing sensory bins with my big boys (2 & 4), but until today the baby’s been left out – because he puts everything into his mouth. Until last week, he didn’t notice he was missing the fun. He played with his own toys or crawled around under the table.
Today – he noticed.
I don’t want to leave him out. It makes him sad. Then all his screaming makes me sad. But more important – he’s missing out on some pretty significant learning! Babies learn by experiencing new things: smelling, tasting, throwing…
When I give my 13-month-old a new toy he squeezes it, tastes it, and bangs it. He’s learning all about it in his own way.
Babies can enjoy sensory bins too – with big items safe enough to put in their mouths, or with small items that are safe to eat.
Introducing our first baby sensory play activity… baby in the oats!
Linda McInnis
An absolutely brilliant idea!
Anna Geiger
Thanks, Linda! Our little guy is now 19 months old and can handle the regular sandbox. But I’m saving this idea to use with our next one 🙂
Thanks so much for stopping by, Ann! I’m enjoying your Facebook page. Thanks for introducing me to the idea of sharing other people’s posts on my fan page. Still learning!
I tried this sensory idea today with my 14 month year old, and he loved it! He made quite the mess, but for a good 35 minutes of fun, it was definitely worth it. Thanks MeasuredMom!
That’s great! My little guy only lasted about 15 minutes. Still worth it though 🙂