TRT Podcast#44: Books to read on your science of reading journey
This concludes our official science of reading series, but there’s a lot more to learn! Check out my top recommendations for books that will help you understand the science AND apply it to your classroom.
Listen to the episode here
Full episode transcript
Related episodes
- What are the reading wars?
- My reaction to Emily Hanford’s article, “At a Loss for Words”
- How the brain learns to read
- What the science of reading is based on
- What’s wrong with three-cueing?
- Should you use leveled or decodable books with beginning readers?
- Do’s and don’ts for using decodable texts with beginning readers
- The difference between balanced and structured literacy
- 3 science of reading myths debunked
Recommended books
- Equipped for Reading Success, by David Kilpatrick
- Uncovering the Logic of English, by Denise Eide
- Know Better, Do Better, by David & Meredith Liben
- Shifting the Balance, by Jan Burkins & Kari Yates
- Speech to Print, by Louisa Moats
- Reading in the Brain, by Stanislas Dehaene (check out the related YouTube video here)
- Proust and the Squid, by Maryanne Wolf
- Language at the Speed of Sight, by Mark Seidenberg
- Overcoming Dyslexia, by Sally Shaywitz
- A Fresh Look at Phonics, by Wiley Blevins
- Teaching Word Recognition, by Rollanda E. O’Connor
- How to Plan Differentiated Reading Instruction, by Sharon Walpole & Michael McKenna
- CORE’s Teaching Reading Sourcebook, by Bill Honig, et. al.
Looking for an easy-to-read guide to help you reach all readers? If you teach kindergarten through third grade, this is the book for you. Get practical ideas and lesson plan templates that you can implement tomorrow!
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