Are your learners having trouble with CVCE words? Try these free clip cards for extra reading practice!
If you have learners that have trouble distinguishing between CVC and CVCe words, this printable is for you.
What are CVC and CVCE words?
CVC words are consonant-short vowel-consonant.
Examples: cat, box, rod, wig
CVCe words are consonant-vowel-consonant-silent e.
Examples: rake, tube, like, poke
How to use the printable
- Print and laminate the pages.
- Cut apart the cards.
- On the back of each card, draw a small dot on the back of the correct answer using permanent marker.
- Give your learners clipping clothespins.
- Have your learners read each word and clip the corresponding picture. They can turn the card over to check their answer.

Looking for an easy-to-read guide to help you reach all readers? If you teach kindergarten through third grade, this is the book for you. Get practical ideas and lesson plan templates that you can implement tomorrow!
(Tip: If you don’t have clipping clothespins, use these as “pinch” cards. Learners can simply pinch the correct answer before they flip to check their answer.)
While you could skip it, I definitely recommend using a marker to dot the answer on the back.
That way the cards are self-checking.
In the above example, my preschooler read the word quickly without reading to the end. She read “pop.”
She pinched the answer and turned the card over … only to see that she had pinched the wrong picture.
I asked her to turn the card over and read the word again … this time, noticing the final letter.
Now she had it!
I made the cards tricky on purpose. In the above example, learners who don’t remember to make the vowel long will likely pinch the picture of “cut.”
But when they flip the card to check their answer, they’ll realize they need to try again.
Learners will also have to remember how to distinguish b/d … or they’ll likely pinch the picture of “rob.” (Check this post for free b/d posters that will help.)
I hope you can use these!

Looking for an easy-to-read guide to help you reach all readers? If you teach kindergarten through third grade, this is the book for you. Get practical ideas and lesson plan templates that you can implement tomorrow!

Get your free clip cards!

Members of The Measured Mom Plus get even more printables … plus quick, practical workshops and no-print resources!
I printed the whole file, when I got it off the printer and each box was all black! what a waist of inc and paper. so disappointed!
Hi Britt, this is Laura with customer support.
Please be sure you print from a computer, and not a mobile device. When you open a file, you also need to click on the download arrow in the upper right corner of your screen. You’ll be given a chance to “save” or “open” the file. You need to open the file in Adobe Reader in order to avoid printing problems. If you don’t have the latest version of Adobe Reader, here is a link to download it:
I read the comments about people having trouble with the top of the CVC and CVCe clip cards printing in black. I too have occasionally had this happen with a pdf from your blog. Your solution of printing from a computer rather than my ipad is not doable, as I only have an ipad. I have enjoyed so many of your great printables. Many of them have printed just fine from my ipad, but I have run into this problem on your website before. I have not had this same problem printing from other blogs on my ipad. I know next to nothing about your materials are produced, but Is it possible to produce your printables so they can be printed from an ipad?
Thank You.
Anna G
Believe it or not, this is a very common problem and is not limited to my products. I have been creating things the same way others do (in Powerpoint, and secured with Adobe Pro) for years. The weird thing is that I create all my printables the exact same way, but only some cause printing issues, and only for some people. The only way I know how to solve this is to open and print with Adobe Reader. In fact, TPT has the exact solution that I offer. Here’s their tutorial for when things don’t print properly:
This looks great! The download doesn’t seem to work for me though….
Thanks for your advice:)
Sorry about this, the download worked wonderfully! I just wasn’t patient enough:)
Thanks for all those freebies!!!!
Anna G
You’re very welcome, Priscilla!
These are amazing! So excited I found your stuff on Pinterest! Blessings
This is just great I am sure children would find reading fun and easy.
Judith Veazey
Anna, I am a reading interventionist (newbie). I’m totally baffled by one of my students. Second grade, tests at a pre-primer level. He know his letters and sounds. He can rhyme, segment, etc.
but he can’t read! He tends to call out a word based on the 1st or 1st two letters.
ie, Word -Study – he said -Saturday.
I cannot get a handle on how to help him.
He still reverses b and d, but also -j, -n,
I love all your blogs, and materials. They have been a blessing for me as I retired with 37 yrs of teaching 4th and 5th. So you can imagine the learning curve I had to overcome working with K, 1, and 2. But I love it!
Anna G
That does sound very challenging, Judith! Has he been tested for dyslexia?
It’s really helping a lot very well designed worksheets fruitful to my kids
Anna G
I’m glad this helped you, Nikita!
Maninder Ahluwalia
thanks a lot for all wonderful ideas and free printable s.
Anna G
You’re very welcome, Maninder!
Janelle Billy-Taitt
Anna I second Nerva’ comment. This resource is soo timely for me as I am currently teaching CVCe words with my remedial students.
As we say in Trinidad ‘You are on like boiled corn’
Anna G
I’m so glad you can use this, Janelle!
Thank you so much for these valuable resources you provided us. I teach Reading and an ELL Teacher in K_2, your materials seem to always come on time and are useful for my students and classroom.
Anna G
I’m happy you like these, Nerva!
Thanks a million for always coming up with what I need to assist my great grandson in Grade 1. You are awesome. BTW – my pages printed just fine. Cheers
Anna G
Thank you, Edie!
Thanks as ever. These are so easy to use and yet children enjoy them so much.
Anna G
You’re very welcome, Geni!
Gariann Harris
After printing a few of these I realized that the pages are printing in black. Any idea what I can do to fix this???
Kate Dowling
Hi Gariann!
This is Kate, Anna’s assistant. Please be sure you print from a computer, and not a mobile device. When you open a file, you also need to click on the download arrow in the upper right corner of your screen. You’ll be given a chance to “save” or “open” the file. You need to open the file in Adobe Reader in order to avoid printing problems. If you don’t have the latest version of Adobe Reader, here is a link to download it:
Thank You
This is an awesome learning tool.
Much appreciated.
Awesome resource. Please fix the short u page- change hot to hut. Thank you.
I always print your items for my k-4 resource room students. They’re always a great resource. However, I printed these last night and the entire page EXCEPT for the 3 pictures on each card, printed solid black ? (that’s a lot of black ink ??).
Kate Dowling
Hi Melissa!
This is Kate, Anna’s assistant. Sorry you had trouble! Please be sure you print from a computer, and not a mobile device. When you open a file, you also need to click on the download arrow in the upper right corner of your screen. You’ll be given a chance to “save” or “open” the file. You need to open the file in Adobe Reader in order to avoid printing problems. If you don’t have the latest version of Adobe Reader, here is a link to download it:
Love these! Thanks, I’m printing now for next week.
Anna G
I’m so glad you like these, Angela!
Thank you always for your continuous efforts made with high quality n precision