We’re learning about the Letter K, and today I’m sharing a free file folder game for preschoolers that gives your little one a chance to practice color matching and ordering by size.
Here’s what you’ll find in the download:
You can print these two pages and attach them to the inside of a file folder. I laminated mine first, using this awesome (and affordable!) home laminator:
On the next page you’ll find this set of colorful kites. You’ll want to cut them apart and laminate them.
I attached velcro dots to the game itself and to the backs of the kites. My Three enjoyed matching the kites by color. This was quite easy for him and would be a great activity for an older two-year-old.
After matching all the kites, he took them off — this was extra fun because of that fun Velcro sound!
He looked at the pile of kites and picked the smallest one. Then he fastened it to its proper place on the back of the file folder. After each kite he again found the smallest kite. I found this to be much easier than asking him to put the kites in order by size. (We tried that the other day — while it was a good challenge for my Four, it was just plain frustrating for my Three.)
The first time we did this it took him quite some time and tested his patience. This time he worked more quickly and enjoyed himself. He must be learning. 🙂
For older preschoolers who are ready for a challenge, print and attach Velcro dots to this additional page:
I hope you can use this file folder game!

I can not get the kite file folder link to open
Anna Geiger
Try these tips: https://www.themeasuredmom.com/how-to-download-free-files/
How do you attach the laminated sheets on to the file folder?
Anna Geiger
It’s been a while, so I don’t remember for sure – but I think I used clear packing tape.
Debbie @ http://kidsbibledebjackson.blogspot.com/
I love it! I love file folder games! Pinned it! Thanks for sharing at TGIF!
Anna Geiger
Thanks, Debbie 🙂