Here’s yet another phonics activity for silent e words!
My Five has been coming home from morning kindergarten to do some reading games with me. We’ve already shared fold and read cards for a-e words and i-e words. Time for o-e!
At almost nine months pregnant, super simple is what I need. And these fit the bill.
Just print the strips front to back on regular paper. Have your child read the short o word first. (My son said “smoke” initially, so I had him slow down and tell me the sound of the o.)
Then have your child fold in the strip so that the letters on the back help to form a new word.
We made it through the whole stack in just a few minutes! What a quick, fun learning activity!

Looking for an easy-to-read guide to help you reach all readers? If you teach kindergarten through third grade, this is the book for you. Get practical ideas and lesson plan templates that you can implement tomorrow!

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Thanks a lot Anna for the valuable material that you share with us. This is very helpful especially in Africa where the budget doesnt allow us to spend any on this kind of material. You are a star! Teaching has been made easy and the results are amazing !
Thanks so much Anna, just what I needed for my five year old. You are God sent
Anna G
You’re welcome, Kenny!
Faye J Fulton
Thank you so much for these ideas. I can use/adapt them for my 72 year old literacy student. Like I have told you before, I don’t have a budget, so “free” is good.
Anna G
You’re very welcome, Faye!
Thanks so much for your activities! I teach children with English as an Additional Language and your activities are really hands-on for them. I really appreciate you sharing these for free. Keep on posting!
Anna Geiger
I’m so glad you can use these, Rehema!
Thank you for sharing all these wonderful ideas and thanks for thinking about others even at this advanced stage of your pregnancy. I appreciate each and every printable and activity posted by you.
Anna Geiger
Thank you so much for your kind words – I really appreciate it!