Opposites can be a tricky concept to teach. Try these free opposites games for preschoolers!
A reader requested that I create a simple opposites game that her students could use to practice identifying which words were opposites – and which weren’t.
Since I wanted to use the game with my preschooler, I knew I’d need to include a simpler game first.
The simple game includes opposites on each space. Your learner simply needs to roll the die (or use the dot cards in the download to move just 1-2 spaces) and move forward. Then s/he names the opposites on each space.
“Wet, dry.”
“Hot, cold.”
“Open, closed.”
Sounds pretty straightforward, but you will likely find that your learners need help identifying the opposites if they are non-readers.
Naming the opposites did not come quickly to my Four. For the first picture, I pointed out the drips next the towel and explained that these pictures represent the opposite pair “wet/dry.”
One box is open, and one is closed.
We noted that the paintbrushes are thick and thin.
After finishing the first game, I pulled out the second one. With this game, your learners must identify the pictures in each space and tell whether or not they are opposites.
If you find that these games are challenging for your learners, be sure to read a lot of books about opposites before moving on. You can find my opposites book list here.
I hope your learners enjoy these simple opposites games!

Get your free simple opposites game!

Opposite Activities Pack
You’ll love this bundle of opposite activities! This pack is ideal for children in preschool, kindergarten, and first grade. Looking to teach opposites to older learners or students learning English? The real photos make this pack an ideal choice for them too!
[…] To start check out this awesome free resource from The Measured Mom: https://www.themeasuredmom.com/free-opposites-games-preschoolers/ […]