Today I’m sharing the final set of my short vowel worksheet packs.
As always, I like to remind you to use these worksheets as an assessment tool after you do a variety of more meaningful learning activities.
As always, I printed the entire set of nine worksheets and asked my Six (a mid-year kindergartner) which one he’d like to do first. He chose this one.
He filled in the empty spaces on this worksheet.
Next, he drew lines to match the pictures to the words.
Finally, I told him he had to pick one cut and paste worksheet (his least favorite).
He chose this one.
Truthfully, all of these worksheets are now much too easy for my Six. It’s just taken me this long to finish creating them and publishing them on the blog. I hope you get a chance to use them!

Looking for an easy-to-read guide to help you reach all readers? If you teach kindergarten through third grade, this is the book for you. Get practical ideas and lesson plan templates that you can implement tomorrow!

Get your free short u worksheets!

Early Reading No-Print Bundle
Your students can complete these activities in Google Slides on a computer or tablet. The activities give them practice with sight words, beginning blends, CVC words, and CVCE words.
Robin Freeney
Thank you! You’re a Gem!
Heather Groth, Customer Support
You’re welcome, Robin!
Your website is INCREDIBLE!! Thank you so much for all your resources
Heather Groth, Customer Support
Thank you, Katlego!
Thank you for your efforts putting the booklets together.
Heather Groth, Customer Support
You are welcome, Hottensiah! We hope they are useful to you and your learners!
Hannah Obayuwana
Hello Anna, my name is Hannah, i work with children with special needs in the Early and Primary classes.Your resources has been so helpful, thank you so so much.Cheers
Anna G
I’m so glad, Hannah!
Bethany Wilfong
I am a public school kindergarten teacher with about 25 students who are on so many different reading levels. I can’t thank you enough for the resources you provide on this website. They’re amazing and save me so much time and effort! 🙂 I know I can always count on you!
Thanks again!
Anna G
You’re very welcome, Bethany!
Thank you for sharing, Anna. Your work is amazing. I have been using a lot from this website. On page 10 in this link though, I found a picture of a rug with a “g” missing. I just think you should know since you have done incredible job with this website.
Anna G
Thanks! I’ll put this on my edits list. 🙂
Hello i nead it in afrikaans
Anna G
I’m sorry; I only share English resources.
Thanks Anna for this great work. Our preschoolers are a lot better now.
Anna G
I’m so glad this works for you, Bowale!