Are you teaching sight words to young readers?
You’re in the right place!

In this post I’ll show you exactly how to teach sight words using hands-on lessons and free printable sight word books.
But first things first …
What ARE sight words, anyway?
It depends whom you ask.
When reading researchers use the term sight words, they’re referring to the words that a reader recognizes instantly, on sight.
Sight words can also refer to words that our readers encounter frequently when reading. That’s the definition I’ll be using here. We want our readers to know these words instantly as they work to become fluent readers.

Looking for an easy-to-read guide to help you reach all readers? If you teach kindergarten through third grade, this is the book for you. Get practical ideas and lesson plan templates that you can implement tomorrow!
It’s time to rethink how we teach sight words.
I used to think that when we teach sight words to young readers, we should teach them as whole words. This is why I used to share a collection of sight word books that taught the words through repeated exposure. (I’ve since removed them from the site and my shop.)
But research tells us that this isn’t how the brain learns to read.
In order for kids’ brains to make new words a part of their permanent sight word vocabulary (the fancy word for this is orthographic mapping), they need to connect the sounds to the letters.
In other words? Sound it out.
Integrating high-frequency words into phonics lessons allows students to make sense of spelling patterns for these words.

I know what you’re thinking.
What about words that we CAN’T sound out?
We call attention to the parts of the word that are phonetic (and there’s usually at least 1-2 of them). Then we teach learners to learn the tricky parts by heart.
How to teach high frequency words to young learners
- First, know our goal here. Our goal is not to teach loads of sight words as whole words, because kids need to connect the sounds to letters when reading. Instead, our goal is to integrate sight word learning with phonics instruction.
- Next, we need to make sure our learners are ready to sound out words. Not sure? Check out this post.
- All set? Great. Name the new word, and have your learner repeat it.
- Name the individual phonemes (sounds) in the word. For example, in the word is, there are two phonemes: /i/ and /z/.
- Spell the sounds. Call attention to any unexpected spelling. In is, we spell /i/ with i and /z/ with s.
- If possible, have your learner read related words. Has and his are great words to read alongside is because they are short vowel words with an s that represents the the /z/ sound.
- Have your learner read connected text. Connected text can be decodable sentences or books.
Where can you find sight word lessons and decodable sight word books?
You’ll find a beginner’s collection below. Enjoy!
P.S. I look forward to adding more of these to our membership site, The Measured Mom Plus. I do not plan to add any more free books to this page. Learn more about membership here.

Looking for an easy-to-read guide to help you reach all readers? If you teach kindergarten through third grade, this is the book for you. Get practical ideas and lesson plan templates that you can implement tomorrow!
Sight word readers

High Frequency Word Worksheets – Based on the science of reading!
Say goodbye to worksheets that simply keep kids busy. THESE worksheets help kids focus on the spellings of each individual sound … which is exactly what they need to master these high frequency words!
Check out the rest of our sight word series
Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6Part 7Part 8Part 9
Coleen Puzio
I joined Monthly. Does this mean I only have access to the 30 Sight Word Readers?
I do not see any others.
Please let me know if that is a limited thing.
Thank You
Heather Groth, Customer Support
All members of The Measured Mom Plus have access to the full set of Sight Word Readers! You just need to log in to your membership account and then follow this link:
My wife and I teach English in a foreign country, and reading is what we emphasize among the 8 skills of English that we teach. So, sight words are very important to me, and I have spent too much time trying to come up with the perfect list using Fry, Dolch, and other lists I’ve come across. At one point I was attempting to teach all 1000 Fry words, totally unnecessary in my opinion. My wife recently purchased your 240 sight word books and lessons, and I will be happy to use them daily. I compared my list (210 words) with your list and came up some glaring shortcomings on my end, in my opinion (school, friend, each, people, etc). I also noticed that I have 16 words that you don’t. One of my goals was to have a more concise list. “Why would we put CVC words on our list, when those are already taught separately”, I thought. Then I removed Magic E words, colors, and numbers for the same reason. There are some words that I left on my list, like VC words in, am, an, up, it etc. because those are needed fairly quickly when reading Phonics/CVC books. After over 12 months of fretting over my list, I’m pretty happy with the result. By the way, I’m really excited to see intelligent thinkers stepping up and seeing the changes that need to be made with English teaching. Long time coming.
Anna Geiger
I love that you’ve come to the conclusion that it doesn’t make sense to “double teach” words that fit familiar phonics patterns. Thank you for sharing your experience with teaching high frequency words!
Connie Fink
I purchased the sight word lessons and accompanying books which include decoding and have been using them regularly. They are wonderful. However, they have somehow disappeared from my iPad. Is Rhee any way they could be re-sent? I miss having them already. Thank you.
Heather Groth, Customer Support
Hi Connie! We have resent your order email with the books! Please let us know if you don’t see that email. 😊
I would love to purchase the whole set of those Sight word lessons and sight word books for my pre-k daughter to accompany with our phonics program at home. Are they available to purchase in your shop or do I need to join as a member to access the whole bundle? Thanks!
Heather Groth, Customer Support
Hello Mrs. Green! You can find the whole set of 240 lessons and books for purchase in our shop at this link, Thank you!
Thank you for all your resources! I recently printed off your scope and sequence for teaching phonics skills. Do you have a list of suggested sight words to teach grouped by phonics skills?
Anna Geiger
Hi Jennifer!
Because everyone’s scope and sequence is different, and the decodable books they are using is different, I don’t have a particular order for the books. But I offer guidelines for choosing what words to teach when, in this post. I hope it helps!
Are the decodable sight word readers all available with the membership or do they need to be purchased separately for the $49?
Heather Groth, Customer Support
Hi Heather! We currently have 85 of the sight word books on the membership, each one available for individual download. We add new sight word books and lessons each month when our other new member printables are released!
This is wonderful! Thank you soo mach
Heather Groth, Customer Support
You’re welcome, Deepthi!
Thank you for the great resource. This is a perfect way to learn the sight words. I love how it ties everything together too!
Heather Groth, Customer Support
You’re welcome, Tami! They are great for encouraging orthographic mapping in kiddos learning to read!
Thanks you so much for these free decodable readers!!! I have printed some in black/white so my granddaughter can color and make her “own” book. She loves this and reading the book once it is put together.
Thanks again 😊
Heather Groth, Customer Support
That is wonderful to hear, Lana! We’re so glad that are working well for your granddaughter!
Thanks you so much for these free decodable readers!!! I have printed some in black/white so my granddaughter can color and make her “own” book. She loves this and reading the book once put together.
Thanks again 😊
I LOVE these! Lessons and decodable readers too! They are amazing! Do you have more of these in your membership website? I might have to sign up!!
Heather Groth, Customer Support
We’re so glad you like them, Carol! A handful of new sight word lessons and readers are added to the membership each month as they’re created. The full set will be ready and put in our shop by the end of November!
Are there more sight words books available to buy? Please let me know!
Heather Groth, Customer Support
Great question, Sami! The new sight word books are added each month to our membership website, The Measured Mom Plus ( We hope to have the whole set (240 lessons and books!!!) completed by the end of November!
Thank you! I love these books and great success to you for free material
Heather Groth, Customer Support
You’re welcome, Sandra!
Is there a way to download the video on this site, where you are teaching the word “is”? I am working with some teachers in Fiji and this video could be really helpful for them. Thank you.
Heather Groth, Customer Support
Hi Rhonda! You are welcome to send them to this page to view the video, or they can find it on YouTube at this link, Thanks!
Hello.. May I still get your original sight words books? My students love the stories from your sight words book set. Unfortunately, I just downloaded a few set. My students asked for more. I know it’s not the right way to teach sight words. However, I only use it for mastered children for reading time. The sight words book set are simple and lovely stories. Thank you so much for helping.
Heather Groth, Customer Support
We’re so glad to hear that you’ve enjoyed using them with your students in the past. They are no longer available, but we hope that your students will enjoy these updated readers as they come out. Anna has also released a new set of decodable nonfiction readers ( that may work well for your students, and we still have our printable phonics books available on the website and in our shop. I think that your students will enjoy them just as much!
Ana Hernandez
I loved these stories also. If you happen to bring the original sight word reader sets back, I would be super excited as well.
Thank you!
Ana Hernandez
These look nice and I fully support your conviction to do things in line with your conscience, but I must confess your old sight word books were one of my favorite things I’ve used in homeschooling. My 6th child was born when my oldest was still 5 (apparently possible), so the pure simplicity of them made them accessible to me in a way the new ones would have been overwhelming. As I’ve spent the last year trying to keep one 2nd grader on track, catch up the other 2nd grader that got overlooked in public school, trying to figure out what my 1st grader did and did not learn in kindergarten, and keep 2 toddlers out of trouble, those old readers -paired with various sight word worksheets- have been about 90% of my 5yo language arts for the past year (excuse the run on sentence). I loved how easy they were to work in amidst the chaos (and they worked!) so much that I looked around a few times to see if you had a donate box anywhere. I’d mourn their loss if I hadn’t already downloaded them. Anyhow, however they come (and go), I do appreciate all the freebies you have put out there. I’ve used several of them to supplement school the last few years amidst my homeschool envy. I’ve been happier when I can piece meal curriculum as we go than I have with pre- arranged curriculum, and you’ve been a favorite place to check.
Anna Geiger
I’m glad you had success with them! I know that some children can do well with an approach like that if their phonics instruction is strong. But I know that for many other children, it can lead to bad habits and to strategies that no longer work when they get into harder books. For that reason (and a few more!) I can no longer share them in good conscience.
I also used them and have tried to find them on my external hard drives. I was devastated to see that they were no longer on the website. I am working with preschoolers at the moment and thought that they would be great for topics- not as sight word books.
Hi I really appreciate the free resources. Do you have any tips on how to do the lesson over virtual learning?
Anna Geiger
I think you could make it work very well as long as kids have the necessary supplies: a row of boxes on a piece of paper, some kind of manipulative to move into the boxes, and letters written on slips of paper. As the word reading you could put the words you want them to practice reading on the screen. For each word you can give the whole class 2-3 seconds to read in their heads and then have them read the word or sentence in unison.
Thank you for providing this material! I am a missionary and rely on these types of free downloads to reach and teach ESL students. Blessings to you for your kindness in sharing.
Heather Groth, Customer Support
You are welcome, Nancy! We hope they will be a blessing to you and your students. Thank you for your work!
joan horne
Very much needed , more engaging than flash cards!
Heather Groth, Customer Support
Yes, and much better for orthographic mapping, Joan! We hope you learners will benefit from them!
Thank you so much for these books! I use them with my EFLs!
I’d like to know if you’ll be offering/posting more for free. Will you send us an email letting us know when new ones come out?
Thank you so much for all your work!
Haley Bruce
These are wonderful! For years I taught in PreK classroom (phonological awareness/phonics based), and I was doing many things aligned with SOR. I’m so happy to more teachers following along with it.
For YEARS I wanted a set of books like these, but could never find them. Thank you for making them. I now work with dyslexia students, and have a structure literacy program we follow, so I’m not sure I will need these, but I will keep them as a back-up resource.
Thank you again for making these!
Anna Geiger
Thank you so much for your feedback, Haley! I hope you get a chance to fit these in!
Erin D
I never leave comments, but I have to applaud you for your approach to sight words in this series. It’s got all the steps I learned as an OG instructor in one handy printable. I’m eager to purchase your whole package when it comes out.
I’m wondering if you’ll be converting these into a digital form? I work daily with many students who could benefit from these books, and the daily printing requirements would be hard for me to keep up with.
Thank you so much for making these available!
Anna Geiger
Thank you for your very kind feedback, Erin – it means a lot! I have thought about including them in digital form when I package them up for sale. I do have quite a few more to make until that time, though … so I’m not quite ready for that. Thank you for the suggestion!
Thank you so much! I have been doing a bit of research as a parent to help my 17-year-old with a developmental delay. That’s probably how I found you in the first place. Thanks for this research-based, free update!
Anna Geiger
I’m so glad this was helpful, Micki! Thank you so much for your kind comment!
These are awesome and the two that we have done so far have really clicked with my daughter. How will we know when more will be added? Will they only be released on the membership site? Thank you so much for these!
Anna Geiger
Hi Leila!
At some point I may bundle a bunch for my shop, but individual sets will only be released in the membership. 🙂
Hello again,
The same is true for the book about ‘for.’ It says it’s a decodable book about ‘it.’ I have done this numerous when cutting and pasting and forgetting to alter some key word. Love your work and really appreciate your commitment to following the science of reading.
Anna Geiger
Thanks! My team member Rene will take care of this, and it should be correct by tomorrow!
These are beautiful! I appreciate you sharing them. Looking forward to more of them as your collection grows. One feedback point: the ‘I’ book is labeled as “a decodable book featuring the high frequency word ‘it’ instead of the high frequency word ‘I.’ Can you make a correction on that file so it can be reprinted? Thank you for your work.
Anna Geiger
Thank you! We’ll work at getting this fixed by tomorrow!
Mrs G
Thank you so much for sharing, I use your free books for teaching english as a foreign language so the pictures are really useful.
Heather Groth, Customer Support
We are glad to hear that they work well for your learners!
Sarah Cockcroft
This is great advice. I’m enjoying your new posts and resources lately. Can I suggest, however, that you don’t focus on teaching and learning decodable words as sight words. For example, the words at, can, big, and, up, am, etc. These are best learned through orthographic mapping, and save the sight word work for non-decodable (yet) words such as the, is, my.
Anna Geiger
I agree that this is good advice. However, I know that many people use (and may be required to use) lists of “sight words” that include decodable words. My hope is that the lessons will show that these words can be taught using phonics.
Laura p
Thank you so much for all that you offer for free. I’m happy to subscribe as many times as necessary and as long as it takes.
Anna Geiger
Thank you, Laura!!
This is GREAT, but its asking for a sign up for each individual word book. could you bundle them together for easier access to download and print? doing them one by one is very time consuming.
Anna Geiger
These will be in the membership by tomorrow evening, and you’ll only have to click once to download each book. In the future when I have more of them I will bundle them for the shop, but it will be some time before I have a large collection. Here are details about the membership!
Thank you for admitting this and making changes! We need more and more educators to teach based on the science which has been around a long time. I was fortunate to be taught this way 20 plus years ago but many were taught in undergraduate and graduate the three cuing system which fails our children – mostly our struggling readers. Thank you!!!
Anna Geiger
Thank you for your kind comment, Meghan – I won’t pretend it’s easy, but this is certainly an important shift!
These are amazing! I would love to have even more! It looks like a have to click on each sight word book and subscribe to your email to just get ONE book. That takes forever! Is there an easier way to get them?
Thank you!
Anna Geiger
Joining the membership means you can access any printable from this website with a single click, including the new sight word books. Plus, everything is organized in an easy to access way. We’re still adding the new sight word lessons and books, but they should be there by the end of tomorrow! Here’s more info about The Measured Mom Plus:
Kristin Kocolowski
Hello! These look wonderful! How do I download them?
Heather Groth, Customer Support
Hello Kristin! Just click on the orange box of the sight word book that you’re interested in and a new tab will open up asking for your name and email address. Once you provide the information, the link to the download will be sent directly to the email you provided! Enjoy!
Hi Anna!
The new sight word books look great! Will additional books be available for sale or only through membership? I am a retired teacher who tutors a few children and would prefer to just purchase the new sight word readers if possible. Thank you for all that you do to help teachers make learning FUN!
Anna Geiger
I think eventually they will be for sale, but not likely until I have a large collection, which may be a while!
To access these free books I have to sign up for your newsletter…if I download all 30 books am I going to get 30 copies fo your newsletter?
Anna Geiger
No. 🙂 It doesn’t sign you up again.
Laura Saey
Hi! First of all, thank you for all thewonderful resources. I am already signed up for your newsletters and am having trouble downloading the 30 free decodables. What am I doing wrong?
Heather Groth, Customer Support
Hello Laura! I just looked in our system and it looks many of the books were sent to your email a few hours ago. I recommend checking your promotions and spam folders to see if they were automatically filtered into there. If you can’t locate them, please email us at and we will be happy to assist you further!
Awhile back, I came upon a youtube video that showed readers to use the parts that they could read phonetically and memorize the”tricky parts”. It was amazing, but I haven’t been able to find it. Have you seen anything like that?
Anna Geiger
Maybe this?
Rebecca Jenkins
The new materials are wonderful. I’m interested in the research you are referencing. I try to be prepared to defend my activities if questioned by admin or peers. Thank you
Anna Geiger
I would check out my newest podcast episodes. Click “podcast” in the menu bar and you’ll see my series about the science of reading. 🙂 The recent episodes are also FB videos, so you’ll find links to watch them if that works better for you.
Marie A Yavarone
How do I download the printable books for the sight words? I love this idea. I am member.
Marie A. Yavarone
Heather Groth, Customer Support
Hello Marie! These sight word books will be added to the The Measured Mom Plus very soon!! That will provide you easy, one-click access for the books. In the meantime, you are more than welcome to download each book individually by clicking on its orange box above.
I have added my name and email and nothing ever arrives. Not sure if it’s because I’m already subscribed to your newsletter?
Heather Groth, Customer Support
Hello Erin! I just looked in our system and it looks like two of the books were sent to your email yesterday. I would check your promotions and spam folders to see if they were automatically filtered into there. If you can’t locate them, please email us at and we are happy to assist you further!
This is wonderful! Will you have a scope/sequence for the new phonics-based sight words?
Anna Geiger
Not for these. I am working with a professional illustrator to create a series of decodable books that DO follow a scope and sequence. But it is a very slow process, so it will be quite a few months before I have enough to share. 🙂
What illustrations are needed if the word to picture is not proper? just wondering….