Here are the short i word family words you’ll find in these printables:
ill: hill, drill, grill, bill, ill, mill, pill, fill
id: lid, mid, slid, hid, kid, bid, squid, grid
ick: stick, pick, sick, kick, trick, chick, lick, brick
it: knit, sit, kit, hit, lit, pit, bit, fit
in: pin, win, grin, fin, bin, spin, twin, chin
ig: dig, pig, wig, twig, jig, rig, big, sprig
ip: chip, flip, ship, trip, chip, drip, rip, tip
How do you use Read ‘n Stick Mats?
1) Print and laminate each mat on sturdy cardstock. I love this affordable home laminator and laminating sheets! Then print and laminate each set of cards. Cut them apart and stick velcro dots to the pictures and backs of the cards.
2) You can certainly print the mats and cards on plain paper, and have your child match them. However, for a more durable and lasting activity, I recommend #1. A bonus of the velcro dots is that you can store the mats without the cards getting lost — just stick them on!
3) Have your child take off all the cards. Then have him read the name of the family in the center of the board. Next, he should read each card and match it to the correct picture. You will be teaching new vocabulary along the way when he gets stuck on a particular word (“What’s a sprig?”).
5) After a few times of doing this with you, this is something your child might be able to do himself.
Free word family printables for short i
Get all my free Read ‘n Stick Mats

Looking for an easy-to-read guide to help you reach all readers? If you teach kindergarten through third grade, this is the book for you. Get practical ideas and lesson plan templates that you can implement tomorrow!

Get your free short i mats!

Decodable Fluency Pyramids – Level 1 – CVC, Digraphs, Blends & more
You and your students will love this large collection of printables for teaching CVC words, digraphs, and blends!
Thanks a lot for the mats.Will be using it soon with my son.
Anna Geiger
You’re very welcome!
Thank you!!
Anna Geiger
You’re welcome, Nathalie – thanks for checking it out!
Lisa Ehrman
I love all your cute and helpful Printables. I’m adding you to my Homeschool Resource tab on my blog. This site is wonderful and I’m glad I found it on the Hearts for Home Blog Hop.
Anna Geiger
Thanks so much, Lisa! I hope you find a lot you can use.
Kim @ The Educators' Spin On It
This activity is great! Thanks for hosting and sharing on the After School Party. I’ve featured your activity this week in a Sight Word Roundup.
Anna Geiger
Thank you so much for featuring it, Kim!
I had pinned these awhile ago and I’m hoping to use them soon with my kids 🙂 I make stuff all the time for my kids, (but have no idea how to share them on my blog yet. Still have to figure that one out.) I know how much time it takes to make this kind of stuff and I sure appreciate it when someone else does the work and is willing to share it! Thank you for sharing these!
Anna Geiger
You’re very welcome, Missy! If you are on WordPress I can give you some tips for how to share printables. My email is if you ever have questions. 🙂
Thanks for your offer to help! I’m on weebly, not WordPress though. I haven’t looked into it much yet, but it’s something that I definitely want to look into sometime. For now, I’ll have to keep checking out your printables 🙂
You always have such wonderful printables! Thanks for linking up to TGIF! I featured you as the most clicked on link =)
I hope to see you linked up again later today, Have a great weekend,
Anna Geiger
Thanks for hosting, Beth!
These are a great little way to learn some of your word families. I like that you add new words and cover the standard words too. Thank you for linking up this week to the Thoughtful Spot Weekly Blog Hop 🙂
Anna Geiger
Thank you for stopping by, Jill!
Great mats! So much better for retention to have the kids interacting with the word families! Awesome!
Anna Geiger
Thank you for checking them out, Megan! Love that sight word cup game.
Deb @ Living Montessori Now
Your Read n’ Stick Mats are such a great idea, Anna! Thanks so much for sharing them! I featured your short i mats as a Free Printable of the Day yesterday at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page and on Pinterest.
Anna Geiger
Thank you SO much for the feature, Deb! I always appreciate that!
Christine M. (Cool Mom) - Tech Support for Stanley & Katrina
These are great. You have such great ideas. I wish I was following you when DD was younger! Have a great week and thanks for stopping by Stanley & Katrina’s website!
Anna Geiger
I’ve only been blogging since January, so I’m not sure I would have been much help when your daughter was younger :). Thanks so much for stopping by, Christine!
Christine M. (Cool Mom) - Tech Support for Stanley & Katrina
WOW! Go, Anna! You have quite a blog in such a short time. Way to go!
Jo Ann Rocha
Thank you so much for your fabulous word family mats. I am working with ESL students and these will be so much fun for them to use. 🙂
Anna Geiger
I’m so glad to hear that, Jo Ann! I hope you get lot of use out of them. More to come – eventually!
These are wonderful! Thanks for sharing them!
Anna Geiger
You are very welcome, Marla!
Oh my goodness! My 3 year old is going to be so happy once again! Thanks so much!
Anna Geiger
I hope you get a lot of use out of them, Kristina 🙂
tereza crump aka mytreasuredcreations
oh, these are perfect for my 6 y.o. daughter who is learning how to read. For some reason she has a hard time with the short sound /i/. She will love playing this game. thanks so much. Tereza
Anna Geiger
Short i is a tricky one, for sure! I think that a and o are easiest, and i and e are a challenge. I hope this helps, Tereza!