If you’re teaching your child to read or spell short e words, these printable milk cap spelling mats are perfect!
When you go through the cards you will find both easy and more challenging words within the word families.
The short e spelling mats contain these words:
bed, red, shed sled
net, wet, vet, jet
hen, pen, ten, men
vest, nest, test, best
well, bell, shell, smell
tent, cent, bent, dent
peck, deck, neck, check
Since my little guy is just starting out with sounding out words, we kept it simple. I pulled out only the 3-letter spelling mats. After your child has mastered those, the next step would be to add the words with a beginning blend or digraph, like shed and sled. Even more challenging words have a more complex ending, like peck or well. And the most challenging of all have a beginning blend or digraph plus a longer ending: shell, smell, and check.
It might be a good idea to start with the sides with the printed letters first, no matter your child’s ability. That way he knows what words he’s going to spell. While some are pretty obvious (“pen”), others are a little tricky (“dent”).
Here’s how it sounded at our house:
“Okay, let’s get a new card. What’s this a picture of?”
“Right! What letter do we need first?”
“N…. where’s the n? Here it is. Now a red letter. E.”
“What sound does the e spell?”
“Eh. And now I need a t.”
After we had done the easy side of a few mats, I decided to see if my Four could spell without seeing the letters. I turned the cards to the blank side and helped him stretch out each word. After he was done, he slid the letters off and flipped the card over to check his answer (see the above picture).
Here’s what it sounded like when we did the harder side:
“What’s this picture?”
“Can you stretch out the word like a rubber band?”
“I don’t know how to do that.”
“Say it like this. Rrreeeeeeed.”
“That’s perfect! What’s the first letter?”
“Now what do you hear in the middle?”
“It’s a red letter. It’s E.”
“Can you stretch out the word again to figure out the last letter?”
“Reeeeed. I don’t know.”
“Reeeeed. /d/ What letter spells /d/?”
“You got it!”
I was surprised and pleased by how well he did with this. The last time we tried it (a month or two ago), he would not attempt the harder side.
*Note, when printing these mats, be sure to print pages 2-29 back to back (page 1 is my Terms of Use). That way your child can flip each mat over to check his work.
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Get our expanded, updated set of over 300 short vowel word slider cards! Each card has updated clip art and comes in both color and black and white.
Hi I love your website and admire the work you do! I saw that you have bottle cap version for short a words. May I ask if you have bottle cap versions for the other words too? Thanks a bunch!
Anna Geiger
Hello, Jane!
I started out doing the bottle cap version with the short a mats, but I don’t plan to do that for the other short vowel words. These are very time consuming to make, and as I don’t get many requests to redo them, it’s something I can’t choose to make time for. I’m sorry – I know it doesn’t look as neat using bottle caps on the milk cap circles!
I enjoy reading your posts and the materials you’ve been sharing. I really like the spelling mats. I was wondering though if you have bottle cap cards for
short e-u word family because I have a lots of bottle caps as opposed to milk caps. Hoping to hear from you.THanks Anna =)
Anna Geiger
Hello, Chelley! First of all, so sorry to take so long to get back with you. You asked about bottle cap mats versus milk cap mats. I have not created those, but I can… i just need a little time. I have a clip art subscription that is running out in January. They’ve changed their terms of use so that I can no longer use them for printables after January. So I’m working like a crazy woman making as many new printables as I can before then. But I will put this project on my list for later Jan/early Feb. Thanks!
Thank you so very much for the great information you have provided for us! I am looking for mats for the it family. Please post.
Anna Geiger
I haven’t created those yet, Debbie, but keep an eye out in the next two weeks!
So great! Thanks for sharing!