Looking for Letter C activities for toddlers? We’re sharing a bunch!
Our younger daughter is two years old. She is a sweet little girl, but the truth is that she is kind of an emotional handful these days. Frankly, it’s exhausting.
But she never gives me attitude or tantrums during our learning time, or as she calls it, our “tivities.” She absolutely loves this part of our day!
And so do I.
Letter C Activities for 2-year-olds
First, we made cookie cutter prints using washable tempera paint. Of course, my Two wasn’t thinking about the connection to letter C. But this doesn’t matter. What matters is that she was having a fun sensory and fine motor experience.
Speaking of fine motor, I decided to set up cutting stations like the ones at Teaching Mama. I prepared play dough snakes, plain paper, and paper with a line on it. Then I gave my Two a scissors and showed her how to cut the play dough.
As it turned out, she spent all her time cutting the play dough snakes and left the paper alone.
(And I learned that I needed to invest in another lefty scissors.)
This is a do-a-dot page you can get on my own blog.
In the download at the end of this post, you’ll find these picture cards. You can cut them up and use them however you’d like.
I decided to use them as a vocabulary building activity. I named the pictures, and my daughter covered them with poker chips.
I always like to build in activities that review the letters that we’ve done. Even though we’re on letter C, we’ve done eight letters so far. (We started with the letters in her name.) I wrote some of our letters on post it notes and put them all over the playroom. Then she matched them to the grid on this clipboard.
She loves this.
Also in the download, you’ll find colorful block letters. We like to do sorting activities with the uppercase alphabet. I find that this works well when my daughter is having a hard time remembering a new letter’s name.
While I was doing a large floor puzzle with her older brother, my Two was working on this Melissa & Doug alphabet puzzle. She needs a lot of help with it, but she likes to use it a few times a week.
She sorted these lovely gems by color, which was a great math activity. (Of course, if your 2-year-olds puts things in her mouth, you should skip this one.)
For another letter review activity, I rolled out some homemade play dough pancakes. Then I used our play dough letter stamps and put a single letter on each pancake. My daughter used the stamps to fill each pancake with the matching letter.
This was such a fun letter review activity! I put round office stickers on plastic red cups and labeled them with letters we’ve learned. Then I hid a tiny plastic cat under a cup and asked my daughter to name the letter of the cup it was under.
This wasn’t a guessing game, as she saw me hide the cat. But it was a great way to practice letter recognition!
I also turned this into a math activity and worked on positional words.
“Put the cat on top of the letter A cup.”
“Put the cat behind the letter C cup.”
“Put the cat in front of the letter R cup.”
We quit because we ran out of time, not because she had lost interest!
Finally, I made a batch of cloud dough, which is simply 8 cups of all-purpose flour and 1 cup of baby oil. It has a fun, soft texture – and is a great outdoor activity, if you get my drift.
Grab our letter cards and letter C pictures in the download below!
Check out the rest of the series!
Wow, I’ve got to say, Fantastic! Thanks a million! This is exactly the thing that I am looking for. I’ve taught my baby who is two the alphbets. Finally I don’t have to think hard how to teach her in a fun way. Love
Heather Groth, Customer Support
We’re thrilled it will be useful for you, Selina! We hope you and your two year old enjoy all the alphabet activities!
I find these activities to be effective for my 4 year olds. I think I would love to try them with my two and a half year old
Anna G
Many toddlers are ready for basic alphabet activities – I hope you get a chance to try them with your toddler, Rose!