Letter H Crafts
We happened to be learning about the letter H in mid-February, so we had fun doing a lot of heart activities along with our houses, hen, hippo, and Humpty. Read on for ten letter H crafts for preschool!
Shape Houses
The kids chose what colors they wanted for each part of their picture. I cut out all the shapes, and the kids glued them down. I did help my Two put the door straight up, and I also helped him see that the roof goes over the house, not glued directly on top of the square. After that I let him glue the pieces as he saw fit.
As he worked I asked him to show me where particular shapes were. He was shaky on squares and ovals. After we’d gone over them a few times he went to show Daddy and got them right!
Tie Dye Hearts
We love how these look in the window! Just my Four and Five did this one, and my daughter (5) loved it most of all. We used coffee filters and Do-a-Dot Art Markers. For instructions, see Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas.
Heart Person
All the kids were so proud of their little heart people. I cut out the hearts and showed them how to fan fold the arms and legs (I did it all for my Two). After he let me snap a picture, my Four immediately took his creation upstairs to tape to his bedroom door.
Cut & Paste Hippo
While I don’t think these sorts of crafts should be the mainstay of your child’s art time, I think they have some value. I cut out the pieces, and my Two glued them down. He practiced using a glue stick, gluing paper to paper, and creating a picture that made sense -a puzzle, of sorts. Get the pattern at Confessions of a Homeschooler.
Hand & Heart Tree
I saw a similar project in the hallway at my daughter’s school. Since I have a little heart stamp, it seemed perfect. I traced each child’s hand; my oldest cut her own out.
Humpty Dumpty Puzzle
Okay, now, be honest. Would you have known what this was without reading the title? When I saw this Humpty Dumpty craft from I (Heart) Crafty Things, I thought it was pure genius. What kid doesn’t love to play with bandaids?
As it turned out, this was really too tough a project to do all at once with three kids of three different levels. They all struggled with putting the puzzle together. Then when I was helping my Two glue his down, my Three started gluing but put the glue on the wrong side of the puzzle piece. That meant, of course, that he had to redo his entire puzzle.
I also neglected to explain how the bandaids should go across the cracks instead of along every single crack, and we went through waaaay too many with my Four. Oh well. On the plus side, I was really pleased that my Two could draw circles for the eyes and mouth. An appropriate expression for Humpty, wouldn’t you say?
H is for House
First I cut out the lines for the H’s and the roofs. The kids glued these down. (My Two needed a lot of guidance). Then they just went to town decorating their houses. This is one of those crafts that works great for a variety of ages. My Two scribbled (and was very proud of it!), my Four drew at least four doors and many flowers, and my Five made the very neat, pretty house you’d expect from a kindergarten girl. I think they’re all terrific!
Handprint Hen
We love how these hand print hens turned out. The first day the kids made a handprint using tempera paint. The next day we added a googly eye and they decorated their hens. My daughter’s hen is dressed up and going to a party (those are birthday gifts in her beak). I got this idea from Fairy Dust Teaching.
Q-Tip Painted Hearts
I love these heart tracings from 3 Dinosaurs. The kids used Q-tips to trace along the dotted lines. A fun activity with fine motor skills thrown in! Bonus!
Heart Thumbprint Bookmarks
This is a deceptively simple idea: make thumbprints in the shape of a heart for a bookmark. But for the owners of little thumbs, it’s harder than it looks! Besides pressing hard on the ink pad and positioning one’s thumb in the proper place on the paper, you have to twist your hand to get the other half of the heart. This was beyond my Two, difficult for my Four, and fun for my Five. Two of these will be sent to grandmas.
Alphabet Curriculum for Preschool
Our curriculum includes lessons for teaching both upper and lowercase letter names and sounds. You’ll get three lessons per letter, built-in review, simple handwriting practice, rhyming, syllable counting, phonemic awareness, and a whole lot more!
Heather {Upside Down Homeschooling}
Great ideas!
Thanks for linking up to the Hearts for Home Blog Hop! Blessings!!
The hand print hen by your daughter–so fun! Also love the two-year-old’s windows on the ground. Cute, cute, cute!
Thanks, Kate! It’s so fun to see what each of them come up with.
Cassie @ 3 Dinosaurs
I love the Q-tip painting you did!
Thanks for checking it out :). I loved the idea and your printable!