Looking for letter N activities? Take a peek at our week!
Now that our third son is three years old, I’ve been doing Letter of the Week with him. Our goal is to have some fun, help him recognize the alphabet and learn some sounds, and strengthen his fine motor skills. We do a lot of whole alphabet activities along the way.
Here’s our week!
(Update: I published this post years ago when my children were young. Now that I have more time, I’ve created a done-for-you alphabet curriculum perfect for preschool!)
Letter N Activities
We started the week with letter N songs and nursery rhymes from my free letter book collection.
He painted a necktie with watercolors. Later I cut it out, punched holes in the top, and put a yarn through it so he could wear it around his neck. Get the free pattern and find more letter N crafts in this post.
This was noodle painting. I cooked up some spaghetti and put it in bowls of paint with the ends hanging out so his fingers wouldn’t get all paint-y (that’s not a word, but it should be!). He liked this, but he was done after just a few minutes.
I asked my husband to get out some nuts and bolts so he could practice screwing them on and off. He was busy with this for quite some time! He often needed help knowing which way to turn the nut. This was great for him, as his fine motor skills need some work.
This activity combined fine motor and math in one!
He put nuts on the snack mat and rolled the die to see which nut he could eat next. A fun one! Get the mat (and find other nut-related math activities) in this post.
I drew the letter N for him, and he made an N using nails. He needed a little help to get started. (For many more fun ways to make the letter N, check out this post.)
Playing with noodles! This kept him busy for quite some time. Snipping the noodles with the kid scissors really helped him work his hands.
We love this Alphabet Blackout Game from Relentlessly Fun. Interestingly, even though we’ve only done a little more than half the alphabet, he recognizes all of them now. That’s why I always make sure our activities aren’t merely letter recognition ones but also focus on sounds, math connections, sensory, fine motor, and more.
Of course, we’re always reading! You can check out our letter N book list for some of our favorites.
See you for letter O!
Looking for a done-for-you alphabet curriculum?
Alphabet Curriculum for Preschool
Our curriculum includes lessons for teaching both upper and lowercase letter names and sounds. You’ll get three lessons per letter, built-in review, simple handwriting practice, rhyming, syllable counting, phonemic awareness, and a whole lot more!
All your links in one spot
- letter N book(songs and rhymes)
- My Letter N Book (with photos)
- letter N book
- letter N book
- Nut-themed math
- Number book
- Alphabet Blackout
Is your child ready for more of a challenge?
My little guy is almost 3 1/2. If you have an older child or one who’s simply ready for the next step, try some of these!
- Do some letter N-handwriting pages, which you can find in this post.
- Clip the pictures on our beginning sound clip cards.
- Practice beginning sounds with our match mats.
- Do a beginning sound coloring page.
See the whole series …
You’ll love our alphabet curriculum
Alphabet Curriculum for Preschool
Our curriculum includes lessons for teaching both upper and lowercase letter names and sounds. You’ll get three lessons per letter, built-in review, simple handwriting practice, rhyming, syllable counting, phonemic awareness, and a whole lot more!
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