Letter O Crafts for Preschool & Kindergarten
Orange Stamping
While the older kids stayed outside a bit longer, my freezing Two decided he’d had enough. He had fun doing orange stamping all by himself at the kitchen table. The nice thing about orange stamping is you can eat the fruit before you paint. Learn more about citrus stamping at Blog Me Mom.
Lid Prints
I got out a variety of lids (canning rings, milk caps, sippy cup top) and showed my Two how to dip them in paint and stamp O’s on his paper. He loved this!
Ramona Paper Bag Owl
My daughter loves the Ramona books just like I did as a kid, so I pulled out her copy of Ramona the Brave and read the kids the chapter about the owl that Ramona created (and Susan copied). Then my Three made his own. Stamping the letter v’s was his favorite part. To see a tutorial for this craft, visit Cindy DeRosier: My Creative Life.
O is for Orange
Easiest craft ever! Just give your child an O cut out of orange paper and let him go to town with a bottle of glue and your craft drawer. We dug out colored pasta, craft feathers, foam shapes, buttons, and craft sticks.
Paper Plate Owls
Okay, not a lot of personal creativity for this craft, but they’re so fun! My Three and Six each painted their plates. The next day we cut apart one plate for the wings, added the faces, and connected the wings with brass fasteners so the owls could fly.
O is for Ocean
My Two, Three, and Five enjoyed decorating O’s with ocean stickers. Simple, but effective at teaching the sound of long O. For a more creative version of this craft, visit The Attached Mama.
O is for Octopus
Did you know I did an entire Letter of the Week series at Crystal & Company? Check out the tutorial and get the pattern for this octopus craft.
Milk Cap Lid Ocean Scene
My Five regretted opting out of this project when he saw how much fun his brother and sister had. Of course it was the puffy paint that made it extra fun. 🙂 Learn more about this craft over at I {Heart} Crafty Things.
Handprint Ocean Scene
This is my personal favorite! Not only because of how cute they turned out, but because my kids brought a lot of creativity to the project. We painted the ocean on one day. Another day each of my kids made handprints all over a piece of paper. When they had dried, they chose which handprints they wanted for their ocean and went to work. Dried beans and ripped construction paper complete the scene. See our inspiration over at Mrs. Karen’s Preschool Ideas.
Owl Paper Craft
I think these are adorable, but I have to say I think it was a better craft for my Two than my Three. My Three was just following directions and using very little creativity of his own, but for my just-turned-Two it was practice in basic crafting: (applying glue and placing the pieces down) as well as a mental challenge: where do the eyes/feet/beak go?
Alphabet Curriculum for Preschool
Our curriculum includes lessons for teaching both upper and lowercase letter names and sounds. You’ll get three lessons per letter, built-in review, simple handwriting practice, rhyming, syllable counting, phonemic awareness, and a whole lot more!
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