My kids and I have had so much fun creating our way through the alphabet. Since I have four kids who like to do arts and crafts, it’s not hard to put together a big selection of crafts for each letter. Q was a little tough, but we did manage to find four letter Q crafts for preschool.
Letter Q Crafts for Preschool
Q-Tip Painting
I put some washable tempera paint into empty ice cube trays, set some sheets of large white paper on newspaper, and got out a box of Q-tips. All of my big kids (2,3,5,7) had fun creating!
Q is for Queen
I just love my Four’s Queen. You can print a giant letter Q HERE. I printed mine on pink construction paper and cut it out for my Four. He used plastic gems, googly eyes, and markers to create this beauty.
Q is for Quail
I’ve seen a lot of cute Q is for Quail crafts. We opted to keep ours simple. My Four loves to draw bird feet but decided that his quail did not need a beak. He had a bagful of craft feathers, but apparently one was enough!
Q is for Quilt
If you’re looking for an exceptionally quick and simple craft, here’s the one for you. I did this with my kids over a year ago when I did a craft series at Crystal and Company. Learn more about it in this post.
Alphabet Curriculum for Preschool
Our curriculum includes lessons for teaching both upper and lowercase letter names and sounds. You’ll get three lessons per letter, built-in review, simple handwriting practice, rhyming, syllable counting, phonemic awareness, and a whole lot more!
Sarah Micheel
I love the idea of putting paint in ice cube trays! Will definitely be using that tip.
Anna Geiger
Hi Sarah! I saw the paint in ice cube trays on another blog and thought it was brilliant! Worked great, too. Hope you’re doing well!