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Ladybug Number Recognition Activity
This ladybug math was a fun way for my kids to practice recognizing numbers and get some fine motor practice at the same time.
Do you have any dot stickers? We buy these at office supply stores, but you can easily get them online.
First I got out a page of red dot stickers.
Then I got out a black Sharpie and decorated them to look like ladybugs:
What? You don’t think they look like ladybugs? Yeah, my daughter said they looked like pizzas. My son wanted to know where their heads were.
Come on, now. When’s the last time you looked at a ladybug’s head?
You could get always something like these ladybug stickers if it really bothers you.
But I wasn’t bothered, so I gave them to each of my big kids to complete a number recognition activity. I gave my Two (almost three) a page with the numbers 1-10. We do a lot of this sort of thing, and over a couple months the numbers are finally starting to stick (I think I just made a little joke there).
I told him the ladybugs were hungry, and I would say, “The next ladybug wants to eat the number 4.” Then he would cover it with his sticker. If he needed help, I’d give a hint: “An eight has two circles.”
My Four completed a page with the numbers 1-20. Next time we’ll tackle numbers from 20-100, because he’s got these down now.
Finally, I printed a blank copy and programmed it with numbers from 100-1000. My Five (almost six) enjoyed the challenge.

Thank you so much for the leaf with blank circles! I love that I can differentiate the same activity for my 2 & 4yr olds! Super cute too! Thanks for all you do!
Anna G
You’re very welcome, Amy!
Gail Fiedler
Dear Anne Geiger, This is Gail from Lions Head House, were I run a house for Women, Children, Families. I know you have directions for the LadyBugs on a Leaf but I still do not know how to set it up? I know it does not take a Rocket Scienctist , but I am drowning here? The dots on the stickers do they represent what needs to be counted and than placed on the leaf with the numbers. Can you help me, I do not understand? I do not want to bother you .I know you are busy and have a life too!!! Thank you very much and God Bless the fruit of your hands. Sincerely Gail Fiedler
Anna Geiger
Hi Gail!
This activity requires both the student and teacher. The teacher names a number on the page, and the student locates the number and covers it with any sort of sticker at all – or even colors it. We just decorated the stickers to look like ladybugs. The number of dots on the stickers are completely random. 🙂
thank you for all the time and creativity you put into your teaching and webpage. I have a child with a disability and having your idea’s and printables at hand has been like a godsend.
Anna Geiger
Sorry it took me so long to reply to you, Kelly! I really appreciate your comment — it’s so wonderful to know that my materials are helping you and your child. Thanks so much for letting me know!
Thanks so much for the feature, Beth!
Thank you so much for the feature, Rebecca!
Bethany @ No Twiddle Twaddle
I love your ladybug printables. I’m making a mental note to come back and see what other great printables you have!
Thanks, Bethany! I have another ladybug printable coming tomorrow 🙂
Very cute. Thanks for linking to Look What We Did. I pinned this!
Thank you, Savannah!
What a really great way to teach maths – and it fits so well with the Spring season too. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks, Joy! (I saw your name on my Facebook page:) I’m so glad you stopped by again — it’s fun to make things that can be used for kids with all different abilities.
Yes it means that all 3 of my children can do a variation of the same thing
Katie @ Gift of Curiosity
Super cute printable! Thanks for sharing. I’ve pinned it to use when we do our insect unit.
Thanks, Katie! Love those glue monsters– pinned them for letter M.
I love this idea! It is brilliant! Thank you SO much for sharing!
Oh, thank you, Valerie – that’s so nice! I took a peek at your latest post and can’t wait to pin all the great theme ideas you have!