Looking for some fun snow books to read this winter? Here are our favorites!
My Three has listened to countless winter books as I worked to put together our favorites for my winter theme pack. Here are the snow books that made the cut!
Personally I completely identify with the mother who is preparing the house for company – she’s busy on every page, and she has an annoyed look on her face when she has to undo the “help” her son gives her. After his nap he discovers that it IS a big snow, and he and his parents go out for a walk to check it out. Sweet book.
They go to bed with dreams of a snow day in their heads but wake up to find out it’s not a snow day after all! Dad (who is the teacher) and the kids rush to school. As a teacher who was often disappointed by the lack of a snow day, I completely sympathize!
This is a good book to talk about the old days and how things are different now (milk men, police as traffic cops, etc.) The book has a lot of description, which got boring for me. But it included gems like this one: “Automobiles looked like big fat raisins buried in snowdrifts ”
Sam: “Why is this fog coming out of my mouth?”
Stella: “When it’s this cold, your words freeze. Each word has a different fog shape. See?”
Sam: “I can’t read yet, ” said Sam.
Stella: “Then let’s build a fort.”
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Mary McKenna Siddals
I’m simply delighted to find my MILLIONS OF SNOWFLAKES on this lovely list of favorites, and thank you so much for including it!
Anna Geiger
It’s an honor to have you stop by, Mary – thanks for a gem of a book!