(This post contains affiliate links.)
We learn about letters in a variety of ways. When I’m first introducing the letter, I like to print a giant block letter and have my kids fill it in with objects that begin with that letter. As they’re working, we talk about what they’re using as a way to reinforce the letter and sound.
“Here’s a giant letter B! What are we going to fill it up with?”
“Buttons… /b/, /b/, buttons.”
Today I’m sharing over 150 ideas for filling up giant letters. At the end of the post you can download your own free set of giant block letters. Throughout the list you’ll find links to Amazon products to help you find what you need. Have fun!
Letter A…acorns, apple stickers, alphabet (stickers, tiles, or stamps), toy animals or stickers
Letter B…buttons, bear counters, dry beans, beads, bandaids, balls (stickers), broccoli, toy bugs or stickers, blue manipulatives, blocks
Letter C…cookies, sliced carrots, corn kernels, candy, toy cars, cat stickers, coins, crayons, corks, cups, crackers
Letter D…mini donuts, toy dinosaurs, dandelion tops, dice, dimes, dog stickers, tiny dolls, dots (using Do a Dot markers), diamonds
Letter E…egg shells, ear plugs, plastic Easter egg halves, envelopes
Letter F…craft feathers, fingerprints, toy fish or stickers, toy food, forks, fruit, flower stickers or stamps
Letter G…craft gems, gingerbread man stickers, glasses, glue sticks, grapes, green manipulatives, gum or gumballs
Letter H…toy hammers, heart stamps or stickers, hexagons, hay
Letter I…plastic ice cubes (from Don’t Break The Ice), ice cream stickers, toy insects or stickers, ink pens
Letter J…jacks, jelly beans, jigsaw puzzle pieces, craft jewels
Letter K…keys, dry kidney beans, kite stickers

Did you know?
Members of The Measured Mom Plus get access to thousands of printables for building early math and literacy skills! Join thousands of happy Pre-K to third grade educators.Letter L…ladybug stickers, leaf stamps or stickers, letters (stickers, tiles, or stamps), licorice, lollipops, lemons, dry lasagna noodles, lace
Letter M…dry macaroni, magnets, money, M & M’s, marshmallows
Letter N… toy nails, clip-on neckties, nickels, “9” stickers or stamps, dry noodles, musical notes (stickers or stamps), nuts (the food or tool) number stamps or stickers
Letter O… ocean stickers, oval shapes or stickers, orange manipulatives
Letter P… padlocks, paper clips, dry pasta, peanuts, pennies, popcorn, pretzels, purple or pink balls of play dough, pom poms, packing peanuts
Letter Q… quarters, question mark stamps, quilt squares cut from paper
Letter R… rainbow stickers, raisins, red manipulatives, ribbons, rocks
Letter S… safety pins, seeds, “7” stamps or stickers, “6” stamps or stickers, spools, squares, stamps, star stickers, stones, sequins
Letter T… tape, toothbrushes, toys, toy trains, triangles
Letter U… utensils, umbrella stickers, unifix cubes
Letter V… vegetables, toy vehicles or stickers
Letter W… walnuts, washers, wagon wheel pasta, Wheat Thins
Letter X… letter X stamps or stickers
Letter Y… yellow manipulatives, yarn
Letter Z… zippers, “zero” stamps or stickers, zebra stripes (cut from paper)

Get your free uppercase block letters!
Looking for a done-for-you alphabet curriculum?

Alphabet Curriculum for Preschool
Our curriculum includes lessons for teaching both upper and lowercase letter names and sounds. You’ll get three lessons per letter, built-in review, simple handwriting practice, rhyming, syllable counting, phonemic awareness, and a whole lot more!
Hi! I love all the ideas for filling the letters and look forward to using them in my classroom! I clicked the download button and entered my name and email address, but I did not receive the file. I also tried with the lowercase set but didn’t receive it either. Thanks for your help!
Heather Groth, Customer Support
I just sent you an email about this, Amanda!
I cant click on the download for this one
Kate Dowling
Hi Lucia!
This is Kate, Anna’s assistant. Please be sure your ad blocker is turned off. Then refresh your page. That should make all links clickable. Thanks for giving this a try!
I subscribed and got the email to print the uppercase block letters but when I click on the link it is completely blank. Is this something wrong on my end or your end?
Kate Dowling
Hi Gabrielle!
Sorry for the bad link! You can give it another try, and if it still does the same thing, please forward us the email with the bad link. Send it to anna (at) themeasuredmom (dot) com. Thanks!
It’s not FREE if I have to sign up to get it
Anna G
You’re welcome to find your resources elsewhere. 🙂
debra villani
I’m looking for medium size block letters caps and lower case thanks
Anna G
This is the only size I have, but you may be able to adjust the settings on your printer to make them smaller.
These are great! We love to use simple things that can be used multiple ways.
Anna G
I’m glad you like them, Layne!
Shing Lan Liu
Hi Anna, I’m trying to get the capital block letters, but when I click to download, it asks for my email and first name, but no download. I don’t see a link for a download in my email either. Is there some way to access this resource? Thank you!
Kate Dowling
Hi Shing Lan Liu!
This is Kate, Anna’s assistant. Please enter your email address, and then check your email. If you don’t see it right away, please check your spam, junk, trash, or promotions folders. Thanks!
Maliha Fizza
I was looking for these for very long thank you so much for amazing ideas. Always loved your blogs. ?
Anna G
I’m so glad you can find a use for this, Maliha!
Ashley Selland
These are awesome, thank you! There are so many things we can do with these letters! Any chance you have numbers that are in this block style too?
Anna G
No, but Prekinders does! https://www.prekinders.com/large-numeral-printables/
Tanisha Denton
The link to block letter uppercase and lowercase printable isn’t working.
Anna Geiger
It is working, but you may have to change how you’re accessing it. It probably won’t work if you are using Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge. Here are some tips: https://www.themeasuredmom.com/how-to-download-free-files/
Are these included in your big ABC book? Thank you
Anna Geiger
My ABC book does not include printables. It includes lesson plans that include the printables (with links to them).
I jut found your site today. This is awesome. I really love this.
Anna Geiger
I’m glad you found my site, Amisha! I hope you find a lot more you can use!
Lisa jones
Just found your website. I teach a preschool class of three year old (10). Should I make copies for each child to do so they can take them home or make some and put in a center. Any suggest.
Anna Geiger
Hi Lisa! I think these would work great in a classroom center.
If you regularly send home ideas for parents to supplement what their kids are learning, this could also be a great at-home activity. You are welcome to photocopy the pages to send home with your students.
Erin Zinke
Do you have giant lowercase letters to go with the uppercase? I would love to have the kids do a combo of capital and lowercase at the same time.
Anna Geiger
Erin, I did not think of doing those, but that would be easy. I will try to add those in the next month or so.
Anna Geiger
Come on by to get your lowercase block letters, Erin – they’re up today 🙂
Thanks for all of these! I use them to work with adults with cognitive delay on my job. I really appreciate your efforts!
Anna Geiger
It’s always fun to hear when something I create is useful for teaching adults, too. I’m glad you can use them, Peggy!
You have gone and done it again!!! The pre-k I am doing with my 3 year old this year comes with these funky looking capital letters that I just don’t like at all. I am going to print these letters on cardstock and let my 3yo use these instead for her weekly letter crafts. THANK YOU!
Anna Geiger
I”m so glad these will be useful for you, Elaine!
Karen Ganon
I can use this so much for bulletin boards! At the beginning of the year, I can have the kids spell their names, and paste or draw things about themselves inside. Or, overlap the letters for a place they went in the summer, or something they did, and draw details inside the block letters. (Have done that before, but I (or the kids) had to draw the letters (which was not always a pretty sight!) Thank you so much!
Anna Geiger
You’re very welcome, Karen – so glad to see you’ve got so many great uses already planned out. 🙂
Emma @ P is for Preschooler
I *LOVE* this idea! So many fun hands-on way to learn letters. I wish I had this about a year ago! lol!
Anna Geiger
Thank you, Emma! So nice to see you commenting here. 🙂
Do you have any suggestions on what order to introduce letters to preschoolers?
Anna G
It really depends on what your goal is; if it’s to get them writing letters, I prefer to start with the easier ones to write. (Look up Handwriting without Tears; they have a good order for teaching the uppercase alphabet.) If you are teaching letter sounds along with letter recognition right away, then start with letters whose sounds are easiest. That would be letters whose sounds you can sustain, like f, s, or m, and not letters like t, d, or p.