We are learning about the letter T, so I thought that tulip counting cards would be a fun activity and also fit nicely into spring. Even though we are still getting snow here and have not seen a single sign of the new season. But I digress. I hope you can use this printable counting activity for preschoolers!
My Five enjoyed breezing through this. My Four liked it too, but had to do more careful counting with the higher numbers.

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Thanks Anna,
I teach children with autism, so I have many different levels of ability in the class. These clip cards are wonderful, and the kids LOVE them, some point, some clip, some use manipulatives to cover the number, and some -hurray!!!- are now able to tell me the numbers! They are so excited when I bring in a new set each week and can’t wait to see who will be first to try them!
Anna G
I’m glad they like them, Angela!
Zainab Ismail
I absolute love all your resources and use them in my class. It has really helped me and saved me time to make resources. I move between KG1 and KG2 and used your resources for both grades. Thank you,
Heather Groth, Customer Support
We’re so glad that we can save you time, Zainab! We know that time is a precious commodity for teachers!
I like it
Thanks for the Tulip Count and Clip cards! (I just found these yesterday through a Google search for Montessori printable work.) Both my 2- (almost 3) year-old and my 4-year-old love them! They are in a Montessori school and I love to make/do stuff at home with them, too, when I can. I didn’t even know my 2-year-old recognized the printed numbers until she started counting these tulips and clipping her clothespin to the right number! I knew she could count, but just wasn’t aware she knew the printed numbers! I was so proud of her – and she was proud, too. I pinned this page to my Pinterest (not just the PDF) to share with others. Thanks again!
Anna Geiger
So glad you can use this, Angela! Be sure to check out my Free Printables page… I have a lot of other Montessori-style activities for kids. That’s amazing that your 2 year old could do these too! How awesome!
Thanks for the tip – I’ll be sure to check it out!
I recently downloaded the spring tulips count and clip. I do not see the number 17. Could I get this from you?
Anna Geiger
You are the first person to notice that, Jessica! It’s fixed now. I had two 10’s. I think 17 is now on page 4.
I love your stuff. I just printed your dump truck counting mat and now the tulips. But both times I’ve had to reprint because I had the wrong orientation. Could you add a print landscape to the items that need it? Thanks
Hi Lori,
I’m sorry you had problems with printing. I save my documents with a PDF creator and then just link the documents up to my blog or google drive. I’m not sure how to add an orientation — isn’t that something that a person has to check on your end? Obviously I am clueless, so any advice you have in that direction is welcome!
Andrea Frisbie
Thank you so much for sharing this. I have been looking for fun ways to help my students practice their counting skills. (preschoolers)
Thanks so much for stopping by, Andrea! I’m glad you can use them.
Genny Upton
Thanks for sharing on Tuesday Tots! I am featuring this post also this week on In Lieu of Preschool: http://www.inlieuofpreschool.com/preschool-math-activities/ Please feel free to stop by and grab a featured button. Off to pin! Thanks again! ~Genny
Thanks so much for the feature!
Love these counting cards! I’m featuring this on The Sunday Showcase this week.
Thanks so much for the feature, Allison!
Oh, that’s wonderful news! Thanks, Lorie!
Love this activity! I’m featuring it tomorrow on the Kid’s Co-op. Thanks!
I’m not sure you got this message, Lorie – just wanted to thank you so much for featuring me!
Happy to help! 🙂 I love doing this kind of thing.
Esther Irish (@LaughWithUsBlog)
These are great! I love when others do the work for me! 🙂
Thanks, Michelle!
michelle scotese
Very cute spring center!!!!
Sorry I’m a little late at replying to this, Michelle! I’m glad you liked the tulips and really appreciate your stopping by and leaving a comment. 🙂
Debbie @ http://kidsbibledebjackson.blogspot.com/
These are great! Pinned it and thanks for sharing at Manic Monday!
Thanks for popping by again, Debbie!
thanks so much! I really appreciate your not only sharing them but fixing the file. i hate to even mention problems with files that people so generously share! thanks again!
You’re welcome, Steph – I really appreciate your letting me know about the problem!!
These are great! Thanks for sharing! Love combining the counting practice with the fine motor skill of clipping a clothespin.
I’m glad you like them, Caroline! I appreciate the comment.
Thank you so much for sharing these. My daughter loves these types of activities.
Glad to hear it! I hope she enjoys them.
How timely! I am planning on a Spring unit for April. These cards are cute and numbered high enough for my 4 year old! Thank you! Thank you also for the laminator suggestion. I’ll have to check it out. I’ve been thinking of investing in one for a while now…
Thanks for the comment, Valerie! I checked out your blog. Great ideas for theme units! When I start doing those I will definitely be referring back to you.
Just wanted to let you know we did use the Spring Tulip Clip Cards last week and as such they are featured in one of my Spring posts at Sorting Sprinkles! I left the link in case you want to check it out! Adrian loved counting the flowers! Thanks for making such a pretty and educative printable!
these are so lovely. my copy has a PDF Complete logo on every page. It could be something on my end but i wanted to make you aware of it in case others have the same issue. i think my daughter will love these since tulips are her favorite flowers. thanks for sharing!
It’s fixed now, Steph! The font is different because I’m still working on a permanent solution. Hope you can use them!