Have you seen my collection of little letter books? Each book has six rhymes and songs highlighting a letter of the alphabet. Today I’m sharing letter A.
I hope you get a chance to print this little book so that you and your child can enjoy these songs and rhymes for preschoolers!
Rhymes for Preschoolers – a free letter A book
(This post contains affiliate links.)
Here are the rhymes and songs included in the Little Letter A Book:
A is for Airplane (sing to the tune of “I’m a Little Teapot)
I’m a little airplane, watch me fly!
Here are my instruments, low to high
First I get all revved up, then I fly
Lifting off the runway
Up into the sky!
A is for Apple Tree (sing to the tune of “A is for Apple Tree”)
Once a little apple seed
was planted in the ground.
Down came the raindrops,
falling all around.
Out came the big sun,
bright as bright could be,
And that little apple seed
Grew into a tree!
A is for Alligator
Five little monkeys swinging in a tree
Teasing Mr. Alligator,
“You can’t catch me!”
Along comes Mr. Alligator,
As quiet as can be
And snaps a monkey
Right out of that tree!
Four little monkeys…
A is for Aiken Drum (hear the tune here)
There was a man who lived in the moon,
Lived in the moon, lived in the moon.
There was a man who lived in the moon,
And his name was Aiken Drum.
And he played upon a ladle, a ladle, a ladle
And he played upon a ladle,
And his name was Aiken Drum.
And his hat was made of swiss cheese…
His coat was made of spinach…
And his buttons were made of popcorn…
And his hair was made of spaghetti…
A is for Ants (hear the tune here)
The ants go marching one by one,
Hurrah, hurrah.
The ants go marching one by one,
Hurrah, hurrah.
The ants go marching one by one,
The little one stops to such his thumb,
And they all go marching down
Into the ground to get out of the rain,
A is for Apple (sing to the tune of “Mary Had a Little Lamb”)
Apple starts with letter A,
Letter A, letter A.
Apple starts with letter A,
ă – ă – ă – ă !
To assemble a Little Letter Book:
- Print the document in color (if you desire) on cardstock. Be sure to print pages 2-3 front to back (page 1 is my Terms of Use). You will need only one piece of paper.
- Cut an even line across the center of the page.
- Fold the two sheets to make a book. Make sure the cover is in front, and insert the other page inside.
- Staple with a long arm stapler.

Get your free Letter A Song Book!

Alphabet Curriculum for Preschool
Our curriculum includes lessons for teaching both upper and lowercase letter names and sounds. You’ll get three lessons per letter, built-in review, simple handwriting practice, rhyming, syllable counting, phonemic awareness, and a whole lot more!
Thank you for sharing
Hi, I’m always looking for fun ways to teach my 4 and 6 year olds. Thanks a million.
Best material everrr thanks for sharing.
Anna G
Thank you, Angie!
I love your sight. My preK class is loving all the new material. I am interested in purchasing your Sight Word Reader pack. I downloaded the free Set 1 Farm Animals. The font used is nice except the letters were squeezed together and touching each other. It is difficult to read especially for a beginner reader. in the purchased set, is the same font used?
Anna Geiger
Hi Carol! Try opening and printing with the free Adobe Reader. Here’s the link to that program: https://get.adobe.com/reader/ That should clear up any printing trouble. The readers should look just like they do in the sample images in the post. (They are the same readers as in the purchased version.) Let me know if that doesn’t solve the issue!
Thank you very much for all the work you put into the resources. I teach in a children’s home in South Africa and love your work.
Anna Geiger
Thank you so much, Terri – I’m so glad you can use my resources!
hi Anna, I simply love your website. My daughter is 3.5 years and she has started very well for reading with your resources. I am so glad i don’t know how to thank you. I am facing a bit trouble when it comes to writing. Let see. Anna can you give some tips regarding alphabet poems regarding tracing of alphabets. Because she loves singing songs. Thanks Anna.
Anna Geiger
Hello, Mamta! My friend at Teaching Mama has alphabet poems you can teach while your child traces the letters. They are here: http://www.teachingmama.org/idevaffiliate/idevaffiliate.php?id=121_4
I just loved your site! It’s been soooooo useful for my work. You’re amazing! Thank you!!
I am so glad to find your website! Just exactly what I needed for my literacy corner. I love your work! It inspires me to do more as a teacher! Thanks a lot! Really thank you a million times!
Anna Geiger
Thank you so much for your comment, Luella! It was a real day brightener. 🙂
Anna Geiger
*Lowella. 🙂 That’s what I get for answering comments while feeding a baby, lol!
This is awesome idea, and would like to print the book.. but i am having a hard time.. can you please direct me on how to print.
Anna Geiger
Click on the picture that says “having trouble downloading or printing?” It has my top tips!
This is awesome idea, and would like to print the book.. but i am having a hard time.. can you please direct me on how to print.
thank you for the quick reply going to go try now!!
Mupdie Fridays
This is a fantastic resource, thank you so much for sharing, I may link your page to my blog if thats okay? I am going to be doing a letter a week with my preschooler and would like to record the journey. Thank you again 🙂
Anna Geiger
Hello! You are always welcome to link to my blog (just make sure it’s to the blog post and not to the pdf file). Thanks so much for sharing!
Luiza Jenna
Dear Anna,
I’m so glad I found your website. Its truly amazing. I’m teaching Kindergarten and quite a number of my ESL students have difficulty identifying letter sounds. Thank you so much for sharing such impressive work. God bless you abundantly.
Luiza Jenna
Anna Geiger
Thank you so much, Luiza Jenna! I’m so glad these materials are helpful for your students.
prima t. joseph
Thank you for this wonderful free printable materials. I use this during my remedial reading sessions…
Anna Geiger
That’s wonderful to hear! Thanks so much for commenting.
You are truly amazing! My child is almost 5 and he has been in a PA Headstart program for 2 years now. I thought he would be prepared for Kindergarten. Well, Kindergarten is quickly approaching and I do not feel he is prepared. I came across this site today and I am very impressed. I am going to try all of your tips and advise! Thank You!!
Anna Geiger
I’m so glad you found my site, Brittany! I hope you find lots of great ideas. Be sure to browse my Pinterest boards for ideas from other bloggers, too – there’s so much great stuff out there!