Looking for seasonal science experiments and STEM activities? You’ll find what you’re looking for in this post!
As we adjust to life as a family of eight, my blogging friends have been sharing fabulous guest posts! This week we welcome the talented Jacquie of KC Edventures, where she features hands-on fun and learning activities for kids of all ages.
Here’s Jacquie…
Whether you know it or not, we are all raising junior scientists!
Kids have a knack for asking those inquisitive questions. What, why and how are three words that help children to express their curiosity and show they are keenly observant and looking for answers.

Technology, engineering and math are constantly used while exploring many science concepts — which is why so many schools have moved to teaching “STEM” activities as part of their curriculum instead of science alone.
When introducing kids to STEM activities, the goal is less about finding the right answer and more about the process. Science is one area where we all learn from failures!
This collection of seasonal, hands-on science experiments and STEM activities will inspire questions and exploration opportunities all year long!
Science Experiments with free printable activities
Each of the activities in this group focuses on fun seasonal experiences and includes a free printable to help facilitate the experiment!
- See who’s walking through your neighborhood or backyard by Exploring Animal Tracks in Winter.
- Test which Items are Magnetic with this sensory science experiment.
- Explore the science of music with this colorful Kitchen Water Xylophone activity.
- Create a chemical reaction that seems like magic as you Make a Penny Turn Green.
- Kids can work on their detective skills while Observing & Recording Animal Behaviors.
- Discuss the HOW & WHY behind eco-friendly activities with this Earth Day Scavenger Hunt.
- Combine math & garden science with this fun “How Fast Does Your Plant Grow?” project!
- Test your senses with this Lemon Food Taste experiment.
- Identify nocturnal animals along with what happens when the sun goes down with this Nighttime Scavenger Hunt activity.
- Study the stars while creating Marshmallow Constellations with printable constellations & star map.
- Learn the Names of Woodland & Marine Animal Groups with this fun “What do you call a Group of … ” activity
- Use the scientific method as you Make Ice Cream in a Bag!
- Kids can practice math skills (categorizing, graphing, finding the mode and more!) as they head out on a Leaf Hunt activity
- Learn about Tree & Seed Identification with this Name That Tree! nature activity
- Test density (and learn a little physics) with this classic Sink or Float experiment: Does Your Food Float?
- Explore gravity and balance with your own Balancing Robot!
Monthly STEM Activities
These 12 STEM expriences will help kids connect science, technology, engineering and math to activities in their everyday life.
{January} While celebrating the 100th Day of School, practice number literacy with this list of 100 Items to Use to Count to 100.
{February} Kids will really enjoy testing their “snow melt” theory as they learn how much water is in snow once it melts!
{March} Enjoy testing a few physics concepts as you fly kites!
{April} Learn about pollination while dissecting and identifying the parts of a flower.
{May} Use items from around the house to engineer your own boat.
{June} Learn how a leaf breathes with this super simple science experiment.
{July} Science at the Beach activities examine sand, tides and habitats.
{August} Explore coordinate graphs with a fun hands-on math activity while plotting points at the park.
{September} Get involved in real life data collection with one of these 12 Citizen Science projects for kids & families.
{October} Explore the Science of Sound by creating your own Gong using only a spoon and peice of yarn.
{November} Make your own Tinker Box & construct robot puppets.
{December} Build shapes and practice geometry using clothespins.
We hope you enjoy these science and STEM activities with your children!
Jacquie is the founder of Edventures with Kids , a blog that shares unique ideas for keeping kids creative & curious. She believes that kids are more likely to enjoy learning when they are offered hands-on activities and the opportunity to explore new places. ‘Edventures’ encourage families to try new activities, get outdoors, travel together and connect kids with great books. You can also find her on Facebook , Google+, Twitter and Pinterest.
Jan C
What great ideas! Thanks for sharing.
Anna Geiger
You’re welcome, Jan!
Tammy M
What great ideas! 🙂
Anna Geiger
I hope you get a chance to try some of them, Tammy!
Tammy M
I am hoping to when I start teaching next school year! 🙂 Elementary is going to be my gig! Yea!