Looking for books about teaching phonics? Here are my top recommendations!
Phonics from A-Z, by Wiley Blevins
This classic is on its third edition, and Wiley Blevins starts with phonemic awareness and takes us through planning phonics lessons and meeting the needs of students who struggle. It truly is the A-Z guide!
A Fresh Look at Phonics, by Wiley Blevins
Unlike his previous book, which is more of a guidebook, this book challenges us to think about mistakes we may have made when teaching phonics – and how to fix them.
Choosing and Using Decodable Texts, by Wiley Blevins
Yes, I’m a Blevins fan, and with good reason. This one is a short, easy-to-use guide to making the most of decodable text, which lets kids put the phonics knowledge you’ve taught them to use. You’ll learn how to spot the best decodables AND how design before, during, and after reading activities to make the most of them.
Did you know?
When you join our low-cost monthly membership, The Measured Mom Plus, you’ll receive instant access to 2000+ printable resources for pre-K to third grade, including a huge collection of phonics games, worksheets, and centers!Making Sense of Phonics, by Isabel Beck & Mark Beck
This book will help you understand where phonics fits in the big picture of teaching reading and gives powerful tips and ideas for helping kids sound out words and tackle multisyllable words. Like Blevins’ aforementioned books, this is a must-own.
Uncovering the Logic of English, by Denise Eide
If you’ve ever felt that English is so illogical that you want to throw up your hands in despair, you need this book. Eide shows us that English isn’t as “crazy” as some of us have been led to believe. The book is a quick and easy read and one you’ll want close by.
Teaching Reading Sourcebook, by Bill Honig, Linda Diamond, & Linda Gutlohn
This gigantic guide is an incredible reference book. Don’t let the price tag scare you away; you’ll reference this book often. It’s not just about phonics; you’ll refer to this book as you teach phonemic awareness, fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary as well. Put it on your wish list!
How to Plan Differentiated Reading Instruction, by Sharon Walpole & Michael McKenna
If you want to get started with small group phonics lessons but don’t have a curriculum, this book is an affordable option. It tells you everything you need to know to form reading groups based on phonics knowledge, and gives you the materials for each lesson. I wouldn’t call the lessons highly creative, but they ARE effective.
Looking for an easy-to-read guide to help you reach all readers? If you teach kindergarten through third grade, this is the book for you. Get practical ideas and lesson plan templates that you can implement tomorrow!
Thank you for sharing such an interesting blog on teaching phonics, you have pointed out some relevant resources.
Heather Groth, Customer Support
Thank you! They are a great place to go to as you learn more about teaching phonics!
Just a friendly note on a spelling error found below.
Phonics from A-Z, by Wiley Blevins This classic is on its third addition, you meant to type edition.
Anna Geiger
Lol, thanks for the catch!
As I am just beginning my journey as a reading interventionist, I am constantly on the internet looking for materials. I frequently find myself on your website reading your information or getting materials! Thank you.
Anna Geiger
I’m so glad you’re finding my resources useful, Michelle!
The Measured Mom’s posts are always useful and practical.
Anna Geiger
Thank you, Donald!
Lynne Gould
I love that you are staying up to date with the science of reading!
Anna Geiger
Thank you so much for your support, Lynne!