Today I’m sharing a free set of weather-themed sentences that you can use on a pocket chart with your child or students.
I absolutely love pocket chart sentences because they offer an easy way to teach so many things:
- concept of word
- we read from left to right
- sentences begin with a capital letter
- sentences end with punctuation
All you have to do is grab the free download at the end of this post. Then print the words on cardstock and cut apart. Grab your pocket chart and a pointer, and you’re ready to go!
Weather activity: Pocket chart sentences
I like to put all the words in a pile on the table. This way my preschooler has to hunt through the words to find what he needs.
I told him to make the sentence, “The weather is sunny.”
This was very easy for him, as he knows the words “the” and “is.” He was able to find the word weather using the beginning letter as a clue.
He found the word “sunny” using the “s” and the picture clue.
After he constructed the sentence, he “read” it by pointing to each word with the pointer.
(Yes, I am fully aware that he is not truly reading because he can’t read all of these words in isolation. However, that wasn’t what we were after … we were working on pre-reading skills, namely concepts of print.)
Next, I told him to make the sentence, “The weather is cloudy.”
At this point, things got challenging. My One is giving up his morning nap and is making it hard to do our morning work time …
So my Five made a stack of all the words at the far end of the table.
This made it very easy for him to build the rest of the sentences all on his own. He recited them back to me.
After he was done, I asked him to find different elements on the chart.
“Point to the sentence ‘The weather is foggy.'”
“Can you find the word ‘rainy’?”
“Where is a period?”
“Show me a capital letter.”
“Show me where to start reading the sentence, ‘The weather is snowy.'”
How to differentiate and extend the activity
Using these sentences in a classroom? Here’s how to meet the needs of all your learners:
- If some children don’t recognize words or even letters yet, help them construct the sentences in the pocket chart after other children find the words.
- After you complete the activity, take the words out of the pocket chart and mix them up. Children can reconstruct the sentences at a learning center.

peng qinglan
thank you anna
Doloris lobo
Thanks for sharing such amazing activities. God bless.
Anna G
You’re welcome, Doloris!
please give me, tks!
Anna you’re amazing! How can you create all kinds of these stuffs. It’s awesome! I do love it! I’m a teacher like I told you before.
More than words I wanna say.
Love you
Anna G
Thank you for your kind words, Yao!
Thank you Anna! Much appreciated.
Anna Geiger
You’re very welcome, Carlene!
Lyn Hzb
Thank you for all the great bundles and learning packs.
I would like to purchase the weather unit – but i noticed that the price on the website is different from the price on TpT… is that correct?
Kind regards
Anna Geiger
Hi Lyn! The products are exactly the same. I charge slightly more on TPT because they keep a portion of my sales.
Lyn Hzb
oh yes , that makes total sense !
Thanks Anna! Much appreciated!
Thank you so much for continuing to share amazing ideas and printables with us.
I am having so much fun with my 4 year old grandson printing and utilizing the free printables you provide. He loves doing activities and always knows I will have something planned for when we are together. The best part is, he is learning which he loves and in the meantime, we are having fun and spending time together.
Anna Geiger
That’s so wonderful to hear, Melissa! Thank you so much for sharing!
Diseree A. Salamat
hi anna! thank u for such a wonderful activities you contineously shares with moms like me…im so excited to make this for my 5 y.o daughter sarah…im imagining right now how ill gonna do this stuff (giggling) and share this to my sarah…more power to you anna ang ur family! Im dess from philippines ?
Anna Geiger
Thank you for commenting, Dess, and I’m so glad you can use these with your daughter!