TRT #1: What IS the science of reading?
“The science of reading” – you hear about it everywhere! Is it a fad, a curriculum, or possibly even a political agenda? Short answer: No, no, and no. Get the facts in this quick and powerful episode!
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Full episode transcript
Links mentioned in this episode
- The Reading League’s defining guide
- National Reading Panel’s report
- Lighting the Way: The Reading Panel Ought to Guide Teacher Preparation, by Rickenbrode and Walsh
Check out our Science of Reading podcast series!
- Introduction to the series
- Episode 1: What are the reading wars?
- Episode 2: My reaction to the article that reignited the reading wars
- Episode 3: How the brain learns to read
- Episode 4: What the science of reading is based on
- Episode 5: What’s wrong with three-cueing?
- Episode 6: Should you use leveled or decodable books?
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