My Five is such a busy boy. It makes me glad he missed the kindergarten cut off by just a few days, because he really needs time to mature and learn to control his energy! Doing seat work is not #1 on his list, and he’s not always thrilled about the activities I have him do that I share on my blog.
But do you know he’s never once complained about doing Read ‘n Stick mats? Must be that Velcro. 🙂
If my read ‘n stick mats are new to you, read what I’ve got to say below. If not, zip ahead to get them for yourself.
How to assemble and use
1) Print and laminate each mat on sturdy cardstock. I love this affordable home laminator and laminating sheets! Then print and laminate each set of cards. Cut them apart and stick velcro dots to the pictures and backs of the cards.
2) You can certainly print the mats and cards on plain paper, and have your child match them. However, for a more durable and lasting activity, I recommend #1. A bonus of the velcro dots is that you can store the mats without the cards getting lost — just stick them on!
3) My mats were constantly getting misplaced until I punched holes in them and stored them in a 3-ring binder.
4) Take off all the cards. Have your child read the name of the family in the center of the board. Then have him read each card and match it to the picture. You will be teaching new vocabulary along the way when he gets stuck on a particular word (“What’s a cog?”).
Short u word family activities
Get all my Read ‘n Stick Mats

Looking for an easy-to-read guide to help you reach all readers? If you teach kindergarten through third grade, this is the book for you. Get practical ideas and lesson plan templates that you can implement tomorrow!

Get your free word family mats!

Sentence Roll & Read – Level 1 – CVC Words, Blends, Digraphs & More
Roll & Read turns reading into a game! You’ll love using these printables to help students read CVC words and words with blends and digraphs.
Hi Anna,
I just joined your group and Thank GOD I did. You have a big generous heart. You are God sent and thank you for doing all these work.
God Bless you!
Kate Dowling
Hi Nancy!
This is Kate, Anna’s assistant. You’re welcome! We’re so glad you can use these resources! 🙂
Thank you so much! Have a wonderful day~!
Anna G
You’re very welcome, Souyean!
hyy anna when i download i see a page that says “This pdf is being hosted without my permission if you are viewing it on any site other than” but i found it in no other site but here. what wrong has just happened?
Anna Geiger
Hi Eyoel! If you downloaded the printable from, then it’s being hosted legally. 🙂
Thank you so much for creating and sharing! These are fabulous!
Anna Geiger
Thanks so much, Kara!
Your materials are WONDERFUL! You are so kind to share. May God bless and keep you.
Anna Geiger
Thank you so much! I am very blessed to be able to do this work from home. 🙂 I love it!
I absolutely love this whole series. Going through and getting each printable is time consuming. Perhaps you could offer a package with all of this for a small fee on Teacher Pay Teachers, or a similar site. Just put a link on the page offering people a single download for the whole series. Just a thought. You sure make wonderful things especially for a homeschooling mom with special needs kids.
Anna Geiger
Hi Kayla! Yes, I agree it’s tedious to download each piece. 🙁 A challenge with my read ‘n stick mats is that I created them in MS Word before I had a quality pdf creator. Because I did not have that, I couldn’t save them all as one because the free creator could not handle such a big file.
For my newer printables, I am trying to put them together in one file as much as possible. A project is to go back and package the old printables (using my nice new pdf creator), which I am all for, but it is quite time consuming so not on the immediate agenda!
If you ever are looking ahead to something you might want to use in a week or two, you could send me a personal email ( and – if time permitted – I could work on putting the files from that particular post into one big file.
Thank you for the FREE resources! I can’t wait to start using the read ‘n stick mats with my kindergartners!
Anna Geiger
Yay! I’d love to hear how it goes, Sheila!
These read ‘n stick mats look wonderful! I found this post through the after school linky, I would love if you shared this at my link-up: Anything Goes!
Anna Geiger
Thank you, Angela! I hope you can use these. I’ve been behind on linking up to parties as I cross off items on my “to do before baby” list… maybe after baby comes I’ll be more on top of things (ha ha! or maybe not!).